Palestine International Airport (Al-Auja)

(Noor Al-Dian Rabaya) #1
Table 5- 10 shows the expected volume of air passengers from Gaza Strip who will use Al-
Auja Airport through (2027-2050).

Table 5 - 10Air Demand from Gaza Strip, will use Al-Auja Airport through (2027-2050).

Air Passengers through
Al-Auja Airport

%Passengers through Al-
Auja Airport

Air Passengers of

Year (^) Gaza Strip
2027 593,234 15% 88,985
2034 1,129,300 15% 169,395
2042 1,815,006 15% 272,251
2050 2,597,234 15% 389,585
Sample of calculation for 2034:

  • %Air Passengers of total passengers = 15%

  • Air Passengers = 0.15×1,129,300 = 169,395passengers.

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