Palestine International Airport (Al-Auja)

(Noor Al-Dian Rabaya) #1

- Tourist Passengers in Palestine:

Table 5 - 14Total number of tourists arrivals to the West Bank 2013-

Palestinian Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities excluding the Jordanian arrivals. Data
were obtained from the Palestinian Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities, show an average
growth rate of 6.5%.

Table 5 - 14 Total number of tourists arrivals to the West Bank 2013- 2019

Year Total Tourists Growth rate
2013 1,708,095
2014 1,585,854 - 7.2%
2015 1,123,859 - 29.1%
2016 959,021 - 14.7%
2017 1,275,006 32.9%
2018 1,681,675 31.9%
2019 2,108,837 25.4%
*Source: Palestinian Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities.

Table 5 - 15Number of tourists who will use Al-Auja Airport 2027-

Airport from 2027 to 2050.

  • If a percentage of 87.5% of the total foreign passengers will use the airport as shown
    in Table 5- 11 , based on data obtained from the Israeli occupation statistics (Statistical
    Report -2019) as it would be representative of foreigner air demand in Palestine.

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