HB 6.10.2021

(J-Ad) #1

Page 8 — Thursday, June 10, 2021 — The Hastings Banner

  1. John Crook Lipkey Jr.

  2. Harry Dale Campbell

  3. Clarence DeRoy Campbell

  4. Jack Warren O’Connor

  5. Keith LeRoy Jarrard

  6. Clark William O’Donnell

  7. Charles William Castelein

  8. Charles Howard Hinckley

  9. Merle Frederick Cook

  10. Willard William Wilson

  11. Paul Thedoria Runyon

  12. Merle William Davis

  13. Samuel Oliver Goudy

  14. Gerald Harry VanAuken

  15. Harold Henry Lambkie

  16. Walter Leo Griffeth

  17. Kenneth Clinton Burpee

  18. William Charles Cramer

  19. Joel Obidia Hummel

  20. Leon Robert Hook

  21. Royal Tooze Good

  22. Frederick William Anders

  23. Lester Victor Campbell

  24. Forrest John Hallock

  25. Charles Elmer Hook

  26. Lyle James Lancaster

  27. Kirk Emory Foreman

  28. Merl LeRoy Sherk

  29. Richard Fay McMaster

  30. Clayton Roxic Morrow

  31. Donald Patrick Taffee

  32. Donald LaVerne Heeter

  33. John Raymond Adcock

  34. Wesley Kenneth Ferguson

  35. Donald Keith Yerty

  36. Leroy Joseph Durbin

  37. Harold James Ball

  38. Clyde Carpenter

  39. Ira Miles Baldwin

  40. Irwin Clare Marlow

  41. Richard Hugh MacLeay

  42. Henry Peter Schwartz

  43. Kenneth LaVerne Daniels

  44. Alvin Leroy Basler

  45. Walter Maxwell Sinclair

  46. William J. Taffee

  47. Dwight Paul Chase

  48. Clarence Edward Helmer

  49. Ennis Hiram Fleming

  50. David Munro Leary

  51. Clement Raymond Mead

  52. Dale Slocum Bump

  53. Clifford Elton Davis

  54. Rolland Wesley Smith

  55. Thomas Daniel Harris

  56. Clarence Willman Donovan

  57. Myron Harrison Simpson

  58. William Rowley Dean

  59. Everett Corwin Tuttle

  60. Richard O. Brodbeck

  61. L.B. Palmer

  62. Moody Denton Leach

  63. Jacob Duits

  64. Robert Dean Ehredt

  65. Leslie Clair Lockwood

  66. Wayne Erwin Gay

  67. Gordon Herbert Wright

  68. Ernest LaVerne Miller

  69. Vidian Joseph Smith

  70. V. Harry Adrounie

  71. Carlton F. Babcock

  72. Kendall Loren Reahm

  73. Robert Mailian Mead

  74. Herald Dale Rock

  75. Leslie J. Pease

  76. James Blackford

  77. Dale Irving Pennock

  78. William Douglas Barnes Jr.

  79. Robert Hamilton O’Donnell

  80. Earl Walter Shute

  81. Russell Don Parks

  82. Rollie K. Demond

  83. Sylvanus Franklin Reed

  84. Gerald Boylan Cole

  85. Dan Boddy

  86. Glenn Raymond Miller

  87. Richard J. Springer

  88. Paul Campbell Gackler

  89. Veryl John Belson

  90. Carl Andrew Holtom

  91. Donald J. Deakins

  92. Erving William Lind

  93. Karl Loren VanSyckle

  94. William Nickolas Jenson

  95. Lyle Henry Scott

  96. Lloyd David Long

  97. Orville Herman Hammond

  98. Nelson Christian Warner

  99. Russell Henry Endsley

  100. Robert Harris Johnson

  101. William Stephen DeMond

  102. Kenneth R. Blanding

  103. Simon Christian Maichele

  104. Harold James Jacobs

  105. Edison Edgar Baas

  106. Clayton Benjamin Matson

  107. Douglas McArdle Smith

  108. Harry Robert McClurkin

  109. Leslie Wilber Enzian

  110. Arthur Truman Meade

  111. Harold William Cheeseman

  112. Eugene William Reuther

  113. John Russell Euper

  114. Garold Edward Mahler

  115. Burt Woodrow Hughes

  116. Jean Ralph Smith

  117. Earle Marcellus Tate

  118. Howard E. Lewis

  119. Laurence Breamer Bates

  120. Emmitt Robert Hamilton

  121. Leo Carl Nye

  122. Lynnwood C. Pufpaff

  123. George John Juppstrom

  124. Joseph Franklin Smith

  125. Rodney Arthur Collins

  126. Abel Richard VanTil

  127. Keith Charles Mead

  128. Wayne LeRoy Ostroth

  129. Daniel Webster Harvath

  130. George Michael Keller

  131. Anthony Joseph Strumberger

  132. Wayne Winifred Ferris

  133. Carl Grashuis

  134. Paul C. Hoffman

  135. Melbourne Albert Adams

  136. Raymond Edward Shroyer

  137. Wesley Perry Simmonds

  138. Vernon Albert Neal

  139. Roderick Swadling

  140. Raymond Benjamin Hause

  141. William C. Ackerson

  142. Ernest William Shilton

  143. Lewis Frederick Hine

  144. Burr W. Fassett

  145. Lyle Fred Endsley

  146. Cleotis Armajo Cummings

  147. Albert W. Drake

  148. James Andrew Cool

  149. Herman Phillip Bessmer

  150. Horace Keith Powers

  151. Hugh Selwyn Wentz

  152. Robert James Nance

  153. Jay Dowing Wilkes

  154. Earl Leslie Kinne

  155. Kenneth Preston Griswold

  156. Martin Lavern Cox

  157. Roy Graves Garner

  158. Albert Frank Nash

  159. Ernie Lewis Bateman

  160. Clarence Evert Lester

  161. Edwin Hoffman

  162. Charles Lenord Hutchings

  163. Lansing Edison Greenleaf

  164. Bon Morris West

  165. Wendell Calvin Bassett

  166. Earl Vincent Knoll

  167. Howard Chancy Gardner

  168. George William Deeds

  169. Bernard Carl Shepard

  170. Howard Raymond Snow

  171. Carl Richard Wachter

  172. Gerhard Paul Kunde

  173. Gorge Raymond Kelley

  174. Eldine Charles DeVault

  175. Harold Lee Edger

  176. Dean Thomas Davies

  177. Charles Arthur Osborne

  178. Hugo Ferdinand Anderson

  179. Robert Bankhead

  180. Clare Albertson Lammers

  181. Richard Courtney

  182. James Maurice Garrett

  183. Orlie Emerald Barnes

  184. Robert Delmer Adams

  185. Basil Alphouse Dunn

  186. Lyle Newton Elwell

  187. Homer Maurice First

  188. Richard Wolcott Hilbert

  189. Richard Reigler Durkee

  190. Earl Otto Schulze

  191. Charles Donald Townsend

  192. Harold Abner Hawks

  193. John Russell Bulling

  194. Burdette H. Cisler

  195. Leonard Charles Roscoe

  196. Henry Wayne McCarthy

  197. LeRoy Ralph Jones

  198. Paul Henry McDowell

  199. Lawrence Cooley

  200. Donald E. Sothard

  201. Harold Henry Haywood

  202. Stanley David Glass

  203. Lowell John Whittemore

  204. Maurice W. Teeple

  205. Louis Robert Hooper

  206. Carl Damon Warner

  207. Richard Eugene Hall

  208. Carroll W. Harvey

  209. Ernest Ray Peake

  210. Elwin Lammers

  211. Lloyd Claude Owen

  212. Ernest Arthur Lambka

  213. George Lynden Norris

  214. King Henry Smith

  215. Leonard Donald McKercher

  216. George A. Towns

  217. Clyde Edward VanWie

  218. Ethan Allen Winters

  219. Leo Chilson Chamberlain

  220. Harold Rose

  221. Walter Paul Cook

  222. William Edwin Pixley

  223. Arthur Jay Fisher

  224. Clayton Adelbert Newland

  225. Vivian Victor Barnum

  226. Gordon Porter Kenyon

  227. Charles Samuel Kenney

  228. Paul Francis Kesler

  229. George Frank Stearns

  230. Birdsall Wolcott Holly

  231. Robert H. Munjoy

  232. Andy W. Louden

  233. Carl M. Lehman

  234. Keith C. Farlee

  235. Gail Shaw Beaver

  236. Robert Bennett Burns

  237. Gerald Wayne Potter

  238. Virgil Conrad

  239. Leslie Leroy Smith

  240. Aubrey Lynn Mix

  241. Leo Francis Demond

  242. Lawrence Levi Chase

  243. Russell Eugene McLenithan

  244. Melburn Ray Donovan

  245. Walter James Lewis

  246. Kenneth Eugene McCurdy

  247. Max Gordon Reynolds

  248. Horace Lynn Tungate

  249. Charles William Couch

  250. Emory Irving Apsey

  251. Floyd William Evans

  252. LaVern Ora Roberts

  253. Earl Francis Hoyt

  254. Forrest J. Leinaar

  255. Ray James Harper

  256. Cecil Clare Jordan

  257. Keith Lechleitner

  258. Jean Fuller England

  259. Morton Shelly Hilbert

  260. Harold Allen Waite

  261. Harold George Rowley

  262. Robert Archbald Holmes

  263. Ruble Henry Minton

  264. Harold George Woodard

  265. Marvin Lee Goodson

  266. Clarence Gerald Greenfield

  267. George Earl Machin

  268. Dana Bion Dean

  269. Alfred Austin Lake

  270. Lloyd Rozel Goodenough

  271. Howard Clare Bryans

  272. Adam Anson Fender

  273. Leon E. Krebs

  274. Charlie Devillo Rose

  275. Willard Clare Burdick

  276. George Clark Woodmansee

  277. Leo Roy Tift

  278. Lauren Merwin Edger

  279. Donald Albert Fedewa

  280. Otis Leo Gallup

  281. Gerald Joseph Gonyou

  282. William Laurel Thomas

  283. Albert Wells Reigler

  284. Donald Gerald Buehler

  285. Everett Mehlin Love

  286. Elza Oliver Carlin

  287. Clarence Eldred Spidel

  288. LeRoy Harry McKelvey

  289. Myron Smith Mead

  290. Glenn Marcene Slocum

  291. Lewis Wood Johnson

  292. Elmer Conrad Delchman

  293. Lawrence Newton Phelps

  294. Vernor Elvin Bennett

  295. Frank E. McMillan Jr.

  296. John Mason Brail

  297. Floyd Edward Myers

  298. Hubert J. Mead

  299. Lyle Walter Rockhill

  300. Edward Dwight Barber

  301. Neil Edward Adair

  302. Howard Harrington

  303. Willard James Gonyou

  304. Emerson Nelson Struble

  305. Shirley E. St. Peters

  306. Carrol Hubert Miller Jr.

  307. Edward Bradford Caukin

  308. Sperry Evison Roush

  309. Richard John Bishop

  310. Bernard LeRoy Falconer

  311. Robert Willard Kidder

  312. Charles Derwin Agle

  313. Clifton Dexter Bird

  314. Maurice Leavi Whitney

  315. Claude Delmar Emerson

  316. George Raymond Myers

  317. Charlie B. Shilton

  318. Bertrum Wamsley Neil

  319. Arthur Earl Bryans

  320. Lawrence Basil Boudreau

  321. Edward John White

  322. Glenn Wilson Brisbin

  323. Earl Issac Moore

  324. Maxwell Bernard Tate

  325. Charlie Henry Hughes

  326. Lawrence B. Brown

  327. Leo J. VanBuskirk

  328. Glenn Herold Noviskey

  329. Edward J. Manni

  330. Clayton Oswald Case

  331. Joseph Patrick Thornson

  332. Gaylord Edward Gray

  333. Earl Floyd Hendrick

  334. Vere Everett Carter

  335. Joseph T. McClurkin

  336. Lawrence Orlando Jarrard

  337. Richard Franklin Palmer

  338. Carl William Huwe

  339. Orson Swift

  340. Arthur A. Main

  341. Kennard Byron Schaibly

  342. George Trego Gardner

  343. Roger Lyle Wilcox

  344. Louis Vere Williams

  345. Richard Murry Short

  346. Leland Oscar Enz

  347. Andy Willis Anderson

  348. Ezra Lincoln Brovont

  349. Seth Oren Wills

  350. Delbert Augustus Wickham

  351. Carroll William Hewitt

  352. Glen Homer Bachelder

  353. Clyde Laverne Bassett

  354. Wilbur Earl Tolles

  355. Gerald Bernard Skidmore

  356. Cloyd Max Williams

  357. Ray Carroll Gurd

  358. Zara Marcus Boulter

  359. Donald Arthur Siegel

  360. Dowell John Dalton

  361. Carl Ward Smith

  362. Samuel Ferman Shriver

  363. Edward James Beaver

  364. Harry William Beaver

  365. Gerald LeRoy Shepherd

  366. Harold Allen Nelson

  367. Lewis Warner Ferris

  368. Forrest Lyle Wright

  369. Howard L. Smith

  370. Eugene Melvin Flanders

  371. Hale Moreau Herbstreith

  372. Lionel Lyman Rhoades

  373. Clarence Cluhm

  374. Cecil Hall Preston

  375. Clare James Wright

  376. Chester George Banghart

  377. Merril Lavern Dunkelberger

  378. Willard Wilson Helsel

  379. Vern William Marshall

  380. Robert Warren MacArthur

  381. Robert J. Anders

  382. George Edward Altoft

  383. Edward Cornelius VanDerJagt

  384. Ray Gardner Dunn

  385. Robert Morris Glasgow

  386. Lyle Loren Ashby

  387. Frank Bernard Barkhuff

  388. Roger Kenneth Davis

  389. Lawrence Henry Smith

  390. James Henry Swift

  391. Arlie A. Reed

  392. Roy David Craker

  393. Frank William Francisco

  394. Ralph Woodmansee

  395. Claud Paul Clemens

  396. Hubert Carrol Goodale

  397. Robert Forest Schricker

  398. George Franklin Murphy

  399. Edwin Samuel Chaffee

  400. Clarence J. Arnie

  401. Lawrence Arthur Brown

  402. Frederick Warren DeClaire

  403. Terrence G. Doyle

  404. Hobart Charles Emrick

  405. Cecil Oscar Hanson

  406. Fermor John Hoevenair

  407. Lyle Lyman Lechleitner

  408. Hubert Arthur Marble

  409. Ellsworth Potter Newton

  410. Lawson K. Smith

  411. Paul Steckle

  412. Lafayette Demarcus Williams

  413. George Taylor Bauer

  414. Fay E. Studt

  415. William R. Saunders

  416. Verden Darrel Vandlen

  417. Carl Arthur Brodbeck

  418. Robert Gilchrist Ogilvie

  419. Ronald Arno Barve

  420. Earl Merrill Ferris

  421. Norwood Godfrey Hughes

  422. Arthur John Green

  423. Willie Nathaniel Gray

  424. Harold Lee Johnson

  425. Carroll Richard Moon

  426. Gordon Samuel Buxton

  427. Clayton James Tolhurst

  428. Frank D. Vosburgh

  429. William Clair Hiscock

  430. Albert Wayne Cole

  431. Ward Ellis Baird

  432. James Frank Zasidil

  433. Frank Leo Cregar

  434. Vernon David Morford

  435. Darrel Vay Hart

  436. Albert Cecil Kennicott Jr.

  437. Walter Kenneth Wolowicz

  438. Roy Edward Boice

  439. Adron George McClelland

  440. Alan Fred Redick

  441. Bryant Cecil Debolt

  442. Gilbert L. Gordon

  443. Charles Francis Gallagher

  444. Roy L. Merlau

  445. Bliss Erwin Boulter

  446. Homer Anson

  447. Howard Leroy Harvey

  448. Joseph John Hemple

  449. Clyde Edward Arnold

  450. John Emanuel Teller Jr.

  451. Richard Maxwell Simmons

  452. Robert Morris England

  453. William Edward Seymour

  454. John V. Wright

  455. Woodrow Wilson Barnes

  456. Ward Howard Bevier

  457. William Burchett Chapman

  458. Kenneth Foght Rush

  459. Ernest Albert Tew

  460. Gail Alanson Eldred

  461. Howard Max Hamilton

  462. Victor Phillips

  463. John Harry Williams

  464. Carl Everett Beach

  465. Gordon Kemper Dunaway

  466. Leon Albert Cole

  467. Milford Wayne VanAuken

  468. Charles Eddy

  469. Glenn Robert Brown

  470. Jack Gething Griffin

  471. Lloyd Benjamin Edwards

  472. Silas Edward Booth

  473. Guy Allen Cartwright

  474. Glen Merle Walkinshaw

  475. Philip Neil Shepard

  476. Marvin James Flint

  477. Lester John Robinson

  478. Clarence R. Bull

  479. Leo Frederick Frey

  480. Clinton Albert Hulsebos

  481. Aubrey Franklin Belson

  482. Neil Hulbert Brady

  483. Henry Albert Campbell

  484. Ray Daniel Wichterman

  485. Kenneth William Thornton

  486. Alva Anderson Pangle

  487. Clarence Morgan Elliston

  488. Earl Clark Barr

  489. Byron V. Elston

  490. Ross Owen Fruin

  491. Donald Earl Welcher

  492. Milbourne Howard Shepard

  493. Vernon Arthur Karrar

  494. Glenn Vearl Hoover

  495. Leo Elba Boise

  496. Robert Dare Slack

  497. Claude M. Almond

  498. Lee Caldwell Brandow

  499. Miles Russel Ruffner

  500. Furmon Russell Wolfe

  501. Ralph Edward Schwarz

  502. William Harland Simmonds

  503. Burr Lloyd Manning

  504. Floyd Winfred Culver

  505. Andrew Lowell Freemire

  506. Alvah Austin Hall

  507. Durelle C. Upson

  508. Lyle Glen Ferris

  509. Lyle Clyde Billings

  510. Clyde George Russell

  511. Bernard Oliver Tasker

  512. Walter Ernest Shafe

  513. Merle Clyde VanAuken

  514. Paul Clifford Anderson

  515. Paul Wotring Smith

  516. John Merritt Whipple Jr.

  517. William Freeman Hall

  518. Clarence Leroy Witt

  519. Oral Eugene Myers

  520. Howard Allen McDonald

  521. Verl Vernis Burd

  522. Donald A. St. John

  523. Frank Joseph Belka

  524. Clarence A. Vance

  525. Stanley J. Nowakowski

  526. George Franklin Benner Jr.

  527. Henry Lyman Davis

  528. William Howard Harrington

  529. Wendell Chas. Locke

  530. Clare Sylvan Olmstead

  531. Kendall Emmerson Potter

  532. Clifford Louis Rogers

  533. Bernard Clayton Whitmore

  534. Garner Addison Pennock

  535. Douglas Hugh Hilton Floria

  536. Donald Levi Phillips

  537. Carson Ames

  538. Louis John Hickey

  539. Sylvester Lambert Shaneck

  540. Talbert LaFerris Curtis

  541. Clifton Jay Mason

  542. Clarence Elmer Reid

  543. Garold Marion Kinch

  544. Earlie Thomas Jolley

  545. Clifford Laverne Perkins

  546. Darrell Evitt Housler

  547. Clair Raymond Reid

  548. Clifton Robert Baxter

  549. Donald Eugene VanAuken

  550. Timothy Wood

  551. William Nathan Gladstone

  552. Albert Allen Butterfield

  553. DeForest Potter Walton

  554. Herbert Ernest Wensloff

  555. Stanley C. Lyons

  556. Frank Wang Rogers

  557. Lincoln James Farrell

  558. Kenneth Cameron Floria

  559. Charles Walter VanderMeulen

  560. Irving LeRoy Bean

  561. LaRue Winfield McMillen

  562. Donald Henry White

  563. Dennis Junior Yarger

  564. Allen Ward Woods

  565. Clarence Lenard Babcock

  566. John Gordon Williams

  567. Kenneth Reed Biddle

  568. John Milton Buehler

  569. Laurence Allen Case

  570. Lynndon Roy Eldred

  571. Alton Gail Elwood

  572. Dwight Dean Ferris

  573. Paul Edward Goforth

  574. Harland G. Grinage

  575. Lester Haren Halstead

  576. Clinton Allan Horn

  577. Donald Dawine Leyendecker

  578. George Walter Miller

  579. Jack Rothaar Smith

  580. Lawrence William Strickland

  581. Russel Delos Watson

  582. Verlin Murphy

  583. William Edward Morrison

  584. Jay Lavern Baker

  585. Warren E. Brown

  586. Glenn Francis Thomas

  587. Joseph Oscar Merchant

  588. Murl E. Streeter

  589. Roger Albert Leyendecker

  590. Raymond Evelyn Wickham

  591. Laurence Alden Wolfe

  592. Lamar Henry Bullock

  593. Morris Clayton Brant

  594. Howard Duane Cronk

  595. Ralph Henry Hoover

  596. Raymond James Mann

  597. John Paul Langford

  598. Terrence Kain O’Laughlin

  599. Leon Webster Payne

  600. Charles Enoch Andrus

  601. Francis Stephen Baker

  602. Robert Jacob Brock

  603. Richard Witwer Christian

  604. Floyd Bernard Dukes

  605. Arthur Hile Eddy

  606. Arthur Burdette Fischer

  607. John Wood Foster

  608. Robert Dudley Foster

  609. Edward Oscar Fuhr

  610. Fred Hauser

  611. Robert Hamilton Henney

  612. Corvin Victor Hoffman

  613. William S. Hubbard

  614. Lawrence Louis Huver

  615. Wayne Earl Kermeen

  616. Tunis Herman Klein

  617. Charles Mikel Humphrey

  618. John Daniel Potts

  619. Chester Arthur Richardson

  620. Glen Homer Schroeder

  621. Cleon Leslie Smith

  622. Edwin Lavern Sootsman

  623. Russell Charles Townsend

  624. Charles Oscar Struble

  625. Virgil Jasper Whipple

Sources: Hastings Banner ,
WorldWar2museum.org, familysearch.org,
findagrave.com, ancestry.com,

V. Harry Adrounie (1915-2010) didn’t
wait for his draft number to be randomly
called. Less than a year after registering
in October 1940, he enlisted in the U.S.
Army. He was called back to service in
August 1945 and, four years later, began
a 20-plus career with the Air Force,
achieving the rank of lieutenant colonel.
He also earned a doctorate degree in
environmental health, served on several
panels and commissions, and was
awarded the USAF Legion of Merit, among
his numerous accomplishments. (File

DRAFT, continued from previous page

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