101 Healing Stories for Kids and Teens

(vip2019) #1

the track and shooting on the court. There I go again, getting my hopes up. Aunt Sue keeps telling
me to try a bit harder than I know I can do, because that way I will always get better.
Three Months Later
I’m doing it! I’m really running! Look at me go. This is the best day of my life. If only my mother
and father were here then maybe it would be the most spectacularly best day. Oh how I wish they
were here to see me run, to see me skip, to see me happy. Aunt Sue said they were always watching
and were always here, so in a way I am with them and I am happy!

(contributed by Anthea Challis)

Therapeutic Characteristics

Problems Addressed

■ Disability
■ Being bullied
■ Going it alone

Resources Developed

■ Learning to change
■ Tr ying new strategies
■ Extending kindness to others
■ Using kindness as an agent of change

Outcomes Offered

■ Social acceptance
■ Kindness
■ Happiness
Dear Diary,
My name is Mary-Jane. I’m 12 years old. I have arthritis in my legs and that’s why I have to use
this wheelchair. I got it when I was 7 years old.
I have dark hair and hazel eyes and I wear ugly, square glasses. I have a mum, a dad, and a little
brother that always teases me about my glasses. I don’t have any friends at school and all the girls tease
me. They are blonde and beautiful but I’m the opposite, dark haired and ugly. I hate my life.
Today when I went to school Tasha and Ashleigh came up to me and started teasing me, as usual.
“Square eyes, square eyes. Hey, look Tash, little Mary-Jane has had her sandwiches cut into little
squares with peanut butter in. What a BABY! Ha, ha, ha, ha.”
They took my lunch bag off me and threw it up on the roof where I couldn’t get it. I went off

216 Healing Stories, Teaching Stories

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