101 Healing Stories for Kids and Teens

(vip2019) #1

The exercise proved extremely interesting for a number of reasons. First, the problems on which
these stories were centered were not dissimilar to the stories I hear in my clinic. There were tales of
parental marital problems, abuse, separation, grief, drug use, bullying, disability, and suicidal
thoughts. I want to hasten to say that it does not mean the children of this sample were facing these
problems themselves, but that it was the way some of them chose to address the types of problems
they saw as characteristic of their age group.
Second, most of them chose another child as the character of the story. One chose a doll, an-
other a puppy—but none took up the invitation to create a fictional figure or use a “hero.” This is
worth bearing in mind when building metaphors for children in this age group of around twelve
Third, some of the children came up with useful problem-solving strategies or means for fixing
the problem. Although it was not part of this project, it may be interesting to know the long-term
predictability of healthy adult functioning in kids who, at the age of twelve, are good problem solvers.
Having good problem-solving skills is one of the characteristics of adults who cope well and are less
likely to become depressed (Yapko, 1997). Helping to equip children with these skills may thus serve
as a useful preventative tool.
In a tale about grief and disability (Story 93), even the title, “Days to Come,” has the sound of
hope. Erin Kelley tells of a girl in a wheelchair who wants to walk again and is “aware of the possi-
bility.” She works toward her goal, is strong in the face of difficulties, and is not deterred by the lack
of others’ hope, finally reaching the “best day” of her life.
Fourth, some students seemed to be very good at describing the problem, but then provided
magical outcomes, offered solutions outside their control, or struggled to find effective resolutions.
Stephanie Wood provided a beautifully written tale of Willow and her only friend, Paige, whose par-
ents were constantly fighting (Story 99, “When There is Nothing I Can Do”). When Paige is sent
to boarding school, Willow is alone, sad, and frightened. Willow can do nothing to stop her parents’
fighting or to stop Paige’s being sent to boarding school. When a child cannot find the means to reach
a satisfactory outcome—and at times there may not be one—the challenge for the metaphor thera-
pist is to help the child find ways of accepting what is happening, reframing their ideas about it, or
building better coping mechanisms. Here the therapist may ask questions like, “If Willow’s and
Paige’s parents are fighting all the time, what can they do as kids to feel okay about themselves?” “If
Willow’s best friend is sent away to boarding school, how could she cope with that?” “What could
she do to find another friend?”
Finally, some children produced a partial resolution. In “My Life” (Story 96), Nathaniel Watts
tells of a child facing the death of a father. The story is sad and poignant and describes things chang-
ing years later when the character finds comfort in the assurance that the death was not his fault. The
therapist may want to help a child who tells a tale of this nature explore what it was about the reas-
surance that helped alter the experience. What else might have been done to ease the pain of grief?
How could that have happened earlier? What helps the character maintain his well-being now?
Similarly, in Story 98, “Rock Your Way Out of It,” Jonathon Matthews tells how a single, pos-
itive experience can distract you from negative thoughts—including suicidal ideation. For his char-
acter, it was a Van Halen song. But what does the character do after that momentary distraction? How
can he hang on to, or create, more positive experiences? What does he need to do to make life more
meaningful and happy? What is necessary to help ensure he goes on to enjoy the “wonder full life”

248 Creating Your Own Healing Stories for Kids

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