101 Healing Stories for Kids and Teens

(vip2019) #1
heroes, 242–243
humor, 249–250
imagination, 243–244
therapeutic strategies, 244–245
character of, 256
child-generated, 41–42
children use, 211
collaborative, 42–43
evidenced-based, 240–242
experiential, 39–40
building problem-solving skills, 173
caring for yourself, 61–80
changing patterns of behavior, 81–101
creating helpful thoughts, 139–154
developing life skills, 155–172
enriching learning, 47–60
managing emotions, 121–138
managing life’s challenging times, 193–
managing relationships, 102–120
parents, 266–267
healing, 256
humor as, 38–39
appropriate to client, 232–234
memorable, 232
planning, 258–262
play as, 36–38
pathways, 229–234
pitfalls, 234–239
practitioners, 43–44
presenting, 262–263
processes for creating, 229
puppets, dolls and toys as, 35–36
sources for building, 229
teaching parents to use, 268–275
some values, 268–270
steps for, 270–271
therapeutic, 229


Index 301

therapist(s), 24, 44
therapy, 13, 30, 229, 237, 238, 243, 245,
260, 275
to extend the child, 231
Miller, S. T., 253, 259
Moral(s), 9, 155, 156
dilemma, 155, 156–158
responsibility, 156, 158
standards, 156, 158
children’s, xvii
case of elective, 11–13, 235, 239, 257,

Negotiation, 108, 167
Norton, B. E., 38
Norton, C. C., 38
Nurture(ing), 50, 51

Observation, 23, 181
O’Connor, K. J., 37, 38
Old beliefs, 82, 84
Optimism, 160, 223, 241
Optimistic, 174, 176
Options, 145, 165, 180
Outcome(s), 4, 11, 21, 24, 26, 33, 34, 35, 36,
201, 211, 233, 237, 242, 249, 251, 252,
253, 254, 255, 256, 257, 258–259, 259,
260, 261, 262, 263, 264, 271, 272
anticipation of, 258
-focused stories, 10
-orient(ed), 254, 257–258
approach, 257–258
assessment, 256–258, 259, 263
assumption, 258
magical, 248
offering, 263–264
therapeutic, 257
Outline(s), 25
of the story, 21
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