101 Healing Stories for Kids and Teens

(vip2019) #1

ideas, xviii, 19, 240
kids’ own, 211–226
an outline, 21
real, 20–21
them fit, 19
metaphoric, 193
not a sole answer, 239
oral, xix–xx
-focused, 10, 211
-oriented, xxi, 36, 254, 274
personal, 254
guidelines for using, 253–254
plan the, 271
present the, 271
-focused, 255
solving, 211
rehearse, 22
why tell, 3–4
therapeutic, 246, 255
when not to speak in, 13–14
written, xix–xx
why we share, 252
Storyteller(s), xviii, 15, 16, 19, 23, 29, 44, 232,
274, 277
guidelines, 25–29
voice, 25, 264
we are all, 16–17
Storytelling, xx, 5, 6, 7, 13, 41, 211, 237, 238,
245, 253, 261, 263, 266, 268, 270, 271
art of, 264, 268, 269, 274
collaboration in, 42–43
effective, 15
example of effective, 271–274
guidelines for effective, 15–25, 264
involve the child, 42–44
oral tradition, 7, 22
parental, 271–274
process(es), 232, 264


Index 305

question using for every problem, 237–238
select your style, 26
set homework assignment, 43
helping parents build, 274–275+
Strategies, 92, 140, 141
appropriate coping, 200
behavioral, 239
for change, 92
pain management, 194, 195
problem-solving, 248
self-empowering, 208
solution-focused, 189
steps for teaching parents, 270–271
therapeutic, 244–245
metaphors built on, 244–245
Street, H., 39, 47, 102, 236, 246, 262
Strength(s), 61, 91, 170, 182, 196, 197, 204,
of this book, xx–xxi
Styles, 241
attributional, 241
cognitive, 241
evidenced-based, 241
Substance abuse, 61, 193, 201, 208
Success(es), 55, 57, 92, 137, 149, 179, 194,
195, 214
Successive approximations, 82, 84
Sufi(s), 5, 250
Suicidal thoughts, 10, 61, 193, 206, 222, 248
Suicide, 241, 252

Ta le(s), xix, xx, 23, 229, 240, 249, 262, 264,
Bhutanese, 251
collaborative, 42–43
cross cultural, 250–251
East African, 250
Native North American, 250
outcome-oriented, 254
Puerto Rican, 233–234
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