“Well,” said the royal nanny, “I am pleased to say we have found the happiest child in the whole
“Then, where are my shoes?” demanded the princess, impatiently.
“That is the bad news,” replied the royal nanny. “The happiest child in the kingdom didn’t have
any shoes.”
60 Healing Stories, Teaching Stories
Throughout Part Two, these exercises will focus on recording your own thematic story ideas.
As we read or listen to stories, they often remind us of our own experiences, trigger memories
of similar stories we have heard in the past, or elicit creative ideas for a metaphoric tale that fits
for a particular client.
Therefore it may be useful to have a notebook handy to jot down any such ideas. While
reading the stories in this chapter, what thoughts came to mind about helping to enrich learn-
ing in children? Of the tales you have read, what might be adaptable to your own work? There
is no need to write out the whole story; simply jot a note of the theme or the therapeutic char-