Kingdom of Ash

(lily) #1

gives me the right to decide whether she lives
or dies.”
“You are both at the mercy of my coven,”
Manon snarled. “Step aside.”
Dorian gave her a slight smile. “Am I?” A
wind colder than the mountain air filled the
He could kill them all. Whether by choking
the air from them or snapping their necks. He
could kill them all, and the wyverns included.
The knowledge carved out another hollow
within him. Another empty spot. Had it ever
troubled his father, or Aelin, to bear such
power? “Bring her with us—question her
more thoroughly at the next camp.”
Manon snapped, “You plan to bring that
with us?”
In answer, the spider shifted, donning the
form of a pale-skinned, dark-haired woman.
Small and unremarkable, save for those

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