Hillbilly Elegy

(Rick Simeone) #1

asshole with an IQ of 2 thinking he is
Bobby bad ass but he wears girls
underwear. I hate all of them.” When I
read that outburst, I figured Mamaw had
gotten it all off her chest. But the next
day, she had more to say: “Hello sweet
heart all I can think about is them dicks
screaming at you that is my job not them
fuckers. Just kidding I know you will be
what ever you want to be because you
are smart something they aren’t and they
know it I hate them all really hate their
guts. Screaming is part of the game they
play... you carry on as best you can
you will come out ahead.” I had the
meanest old hillbilly staunchly in my
corner, even if she was hundreds of

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