The Book of Joy

(Rick Simeone) #1
year,   or  even    a   decade  from    now.    Will    this    issue   or  event   still
have an impact on you? Will you even remember it? What will
you have learned from the experience?
4 . Witness your life from a God’s-eye, or universal,
perspective. See your fears and your frustrations from this
point of view. Now see all of the other people who are involved
as having equal value and being worthy of love and respect.
Then ask what will serve the whole.

Humility—A Lojong Practice

Humility helps us to remember our common bond with others. It helps
us to avoid isolation, judgment, and indifference. It helps us remember
that we are all equally beloved children of God, as the Archbishop would
say, and to remember that we are just one of the seven billion people on
the planet. It helps us remember that we are all in it together.

1 .  Reflect    on  all the people  who are responsible for your    life.
Think of your parents, who gave you life, your teachers who
taught you, the people who grew your food and who made your
clothes, the countless others who are responsible for your
having the life that you have each and every day. Now think of
all those who discovered and created all of the things we take
for granted, the housing, the crops, and the medicines that keep
you alive. Think of all the ancestors who had to live, and
survive, so that you could be born, who braved enormous
hardship so that you could have the life that you do. Now think
of the family and friends who give your life meaning and
2 . Allow your heart to open and experience love and
appreciation for all of these people. Experience the enormous
joy and appreciation that comes from being in touch with all
that has been given to you, in realizing how dependent we are
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