First Quarter Module in Journalism 9 (Radio Broadcasting )

(Ellen Jane Ragasa) #1

Directions : Answer the word “Radio” if the statement presented is true and
“Broadcasting” if it false and make it correct by changing the underlined
word/s with the correct answer.

  1. The term radio broadcasting refers to the transmission of audio content
    using radio-frequency wave.

  2. FM stand for “Frequency Moderation” which means sound is
    transmitted through changes in frequency.

  3. On February 6, 1942, General Emilio Jacinto broadcast over KZFM and
    encouraged Mac Arthur to surrender to the Japanese.

  4. When Word war II was over KZFM was the first to return on air and
    operated by the US Army.

  5. AM stands for “Altitude Modulation” which means radio signals adapt
    to the sound information that is broadcasted through the wavelengths.

  6. On December 1941, Manila and Cebu radio stations were provided by
    the Unites States a short wave relay station that gave the opportunity
    them to operate on air.

  7. In 1931, the regulatory body of the broadcast industry was the
    Kapisanan ng nga Brodkaster ng Pilipinas (KBP).

  8. Radio is a device used in sending messages only.

  9. Digital radio provides simulated broadcast of the over-the-air signals to

  10. During the bombing of the Pearl Harbor in Hawaii, and when the
    Japanese airplanes bombed Manila, there were six commercial radio
    stations established.

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