100 organic skin care recipes _ make your own fresh and fabulous organic beauty products ( PDFDrive )

(Angelo) #1

Mocha Latte Scrub

Start   your    day with    a   vibrant and healthy glow    when    you use this    yummy
Mocha Latte Scrub. Coffee and chocolate contain regenerative
antioxidants and naturally occurring caffeine, which increases circulation
and has a gritty but soft texture that works to promote ultra-smooth skin.
This scrub is also a fantastic cellulite buster.

YIELDS: 16 ounces

⁄ cup finely ground coffee ⁄ cup raw sugar 1 tablespoon cocoa
1 tablespoon powdered milk (soy, coconut, or dairy)
1 cup sweet almond oil
4 vitamin E capsules

What you will need: rubber spatula, medium-size mixing bowl,
measuring cups, fork, jars and lids to fit 16 ounces

  1. To Make: Place the coffee, sugar, cocoa, and powdered milk in a
    medium-size mixing bowl. Add the oil and mix together with a fork until
    you have a uniform consistency. Pierce the vitamin E capsules and
    squeeze the liquid out into the bowl, discarding the gel caps. Stir well to

  2. To Store: To preserve the freshness of this natural scrub, do not get
    water into the jar. Store this scrub in a sealed jar in a cool dark place, out
    of direct sunlight. Use up within 6 months to a year.


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