100 organic skin care recipes _ make your own fresh and fabulous organic beauty products ( PDFDrive )

(Angelo) #1
off,    and let cool    5–10    minutes.    Add the sweet   almond  oil.    Pierce  the
vitamin E capsules and squeeze the liquid out into the melted oil,
discarding the gel caps. Add the essential oils and stir well, scraping any
of the hardened cooled mixture off the sides and back into the melted
oils. If the mixture hardens too much before you can pour it, gently melt
it again in the double boiler. If adding decorative flowers, put a few
petals in the bottom of the molds. This will be the top of the melt and the
petals will look pretty through the solid butter. Pour the melted butter
into your molds, cover with plastic wrap, and let stand undisturbed for 4
hours or overnight. Expedite the solidification process by placing the
molds in the refrigerator. The surface will become uneven if they’re
bumped or moved as they cool, so keep it to a minimum and move them
directly after pouring.

  1. To Store: Carefully remove the Bath Melts from your molds. If they
    stick, carefully warm the bottom of the mold in hot water. Dry it off
    before removing because you don’t want water on these yet. If you used
    the loaf pan, remove by pulling up the wax paper. Remove the wax
    paper, placing the brick of butter on a cutting board. Warm a large knife
    under hot water and wipe it dry. Cut into 1” cubes. Store the Bath Melts
    in a sealed container labeled with contents and expiration date of 1–1⁄

  2. To Use: To use, simply drop one Bath Melt into a hot bath for a
    luxurious moisturizing treat.


Bathing in hot water causes your body to sweat out toxins, which
means that you need to take extra special care to not become
dehydrated. Drink lots of fresh water or one of the spa waters found


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