square, in which the numbers in all
the eight lines if multiplied together
give the same product in every case.
You are not allowed to change, or add
to, any of the figures in a cell or use
any arithmetical sign whatever! But
you may shift the two figures within
a cell. Thus, you may write 27 as 72,
if you like. These simple conditions
make the puzzle absurdly easy, if you
once hit on the idea; if you miss it, it
Magic Square Puzzles 143
27 20 25
22 24 26
23 28 21
will appear to be an utter impos-
Here is an advertising trick that
appeared in America many years ago.
Place in the empty squares such fig-
ures (different in every case, and no
two squares containing the same fig-
ure) so that they shall add up 15 in as
many straight directions as possible.
A large prize was offered, but no
correct solution received. Can the
reader guess the trick?
Because every cell in this square
contains the same number, 1234, the
three columns, three rows, and two
long diagonals naturally add up alike.
The puzzle is to form and place nine
different four-figure numbers (using
the same figures) so that they also
shall form a perfect magic square.
Remember that the numbers together
1234 1234
123~ 1234
1Z~4 1234