Magic Star Puzzles 147
Let the reader try to discover some of the other solutions, and he will find
it a very hard nut, even with this one to help him. But I will present the puz-
zle in an easy and entertaining form. When you know how, every arrange-
ment in the first star can be transferred to the second one automatically.
Every line of four numbers in the one case will appear in the other, only the
order of the numbers will have to be changed. Now, with this information
given, it is not a difficult puzzle to find a solution for the second star.
- FORT GARRISONS Here we have a system of fortifica-
tions. It will be seen that there are ten
forts, connected by lines of outworks,
and the numbers represent the
strength of the small garrisons. The
General wants to dispose these garri-
sons afresh so that there shall be 100
men in everyone of the five lines of
four forts. Can you show how it can
be done?
The garrisons must be moved bodily
-that is to say, you are not allowed
to break them up into other numbers.
It is quite an entertaining little puzzle
with counters, and not very difficult.