536 Puzzles and Curious Problems

(Elliott) #1
Route & Network Puzzles 163

from C to C, from D to D, from E to E, respectively, without one ever cross-
ing the track or going along the same road as another car?
Just take your pencil and mark the routes you propose, and you will
probably find it a little puzzling. Of course it makes no difference which
of two similar letters is the startingplace, because we are only concerned
with the routes joining them. You see, if you take the route straight down from
A to A you will have barred out every possible route for the other cars, with
the exception of B to B, because, of course, the drivers are restricted to the
roads shown on the map.


In how many different ways is it
possible to read the word "MADAM"
in the diagram? You may go as you
please, upwards and downwards, for-
wards and backwards, any way possi-
ble along the open paths. But the
letters in every case must be contigu-
ous, and you may never pass a letter
without using it.

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