536 Puzzles and Curious Problems

(Elliott) #1

Domino Puzzles


Here is a little puzzle by Mr. Wilfred
Bailey. Fonn a square frame with
twelve dominoes, as shown in the
illustration. Now, with only four extra
dominoes, fonn within the frame a
swastika. The reader may hit on the
idea at once, or it may give him con-
siderable trouble. In any case he can-
not fail to be pleased with the solution.


Here is a new puzzle with dominoes. Taking an ordinary box, discard all
doubles and blanks. Then, substituting figures for the pips, regard the remain-
ing fifteen dominoes as fractions. It will be seen in the illustration that I have
so arranged them that the fractions in every row of five dominoes sum to
exactly 2~. But I have only used proper fractions. You are allowed to use as
many improper fractions (such as ~, h, 0/1) as you like, but must make
the five dominoes in every rank sum to 10.

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