536 Puzzles and Curious Problems

(Elliott) #1
Domino Puzzles 193


Place the twenty-eight dominoes, as shown in the illustration, so as to form
a star with alternate rays of four and three dominoes. Every ray must contain
twenty-one pips (in the example only one ray contains this number) and the
central numbers must be 1,2,3,4,5,6, and two blanks, as at present, and these
may be in any order. In every ray the dominoes must be placed according to
the ordinary rule, six against six, blank against blank, and so on.


I wonder how many of my readers know that if you layout, the twenty-
eight dominoes in line according to the ordinary rule-six against six, two
against two, blank against blank, and so on-the last number must always be
the same as the first, so that they will really always form a circle. It is a very
ancient trick to conceal one domino (but do not take a double) and then ask
him to arrange all the others in line without your seeing. It will astonish him
when you tell him, after he has succeeded, what the two end numbers are. They
must be those on the domino that you have withdrawn, for that domino com-

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