Absolute Skeleton, An, 45, 260
Accommodating Squares, 63, 273
Adding Their Cubes, 43, 258
Addition: Cryptic, 215, 412; A Queer, 61, 272;
Simple, 212, 409
Additions, The Two, 33, 247
Adjusting the Counters, 134, 339
Africa, Pat in, 77, 282
Age: Mike's, 12, 231; Robinson's, 13,233
Ages, Family, 12,231
Ages, Their, 11,231; 12,232
Alphabetical: Arithmetic, 47, 262; Sums, 47,
Ambiguous Clock, The, 14, 233
Ancient Problem, 12,231
Angelica Puzzle, The, 136, 340
Another Street Puzzle, 53, 266
Apple Transactions, 10, 230
Apples, Sharing the, 59, 270; 64, 274
Applewomen, The Seven, 5, 227
Archery Match, The, 180,389
Arithmetic: Alphabetical, 47, 262; Biblical, 67,
276; Cupid's, 220, 415; Elementary, 60, 272;
Mental, 72, 279; Queer, 207,407; "Simple,"
Anthmetical Cabby, The, 69, 277
Army: Figures, 52, 264; Marching an, 69,
Arrangmg the Dominoes, 198, 402
Artist's Puzzle, An, 91, 292
Austnan Pretzel, The, 109,311
Avoiding the Mines, 102,303
Awkward Time, An, 215, 412
Baby, Weighing the, 30, 246
Bag of Nuts, A, 64, 274
Bags, Carrymg, 24, 242
Balsam, The Stolen, 151, 357
Banker: and the Counterfeit Bill, 10, 230; The
Perplexed, 4, 226
Barrels: The Nine, 41, 258; The Ten, 177,
Bath Chair, The, 23, 241
Bats, Blindness in, 68, 276
BattlesJups, Deploying, 167, 376
Baxter's Dog, 21, 239
Bed, The Garden, 85, 286
Bees: Longfellow's, 66, 275; The Swarm of, 68,
Beeswax, 48, 262
Bell Rope, The, 106, 307
Bench, The MagistenaI, 17l, 381
Biblical Anthmetic, 67, 276
Bicycle: Race, A, 28, 244; Sharing a, 18, 236
Bicycling, More, 19,237
Birth of Boadicea, The, 13, 232
Birthday, Finding a, 13, 232
Biscuits, Buying Dog, 65, 275
Black and White, 135, 340
Blackbirds, Shooting, 72, 279
Blendmg the Teas, 78, 283