index, 538–539
passing, 132–134
type.SeeType argument(s)
wildcard.SeeWildcard arguments
Arithmetic operators, 57–62
ArithmeticException, 207, 208, 218
Array class, 436
Array(s), 24, 48–55, 143
boundary checks, 50
converting collections into, 441, 442,
copying with arraycopy( ), 409, 410–411
declaration syntax, alternative, 55
dynamic, 448–451, 457, 487
and the for-each loop, 92–97
and generics, 355–356
initializing, 50, 53–54
length instance variable of, 143–145
multidimensional, 51–55
one-dimensional, 48–51
of strings, 150
and valueOf( ), 375
and varargs, 152–153
ArrayBlockingQueue class, 808
arraycopy( ), 409, 411–412
ArrayDeque class, 457, 493
ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException, 210, 218,
481, 482, 483
ArrayList class, 448–451, 463
Arrays class, 480–484
ArrayStoreException, 218, 481
ASCII character set, 37, 38, 41
and strings on the Internet, 360–361, 366
asin( ), 419
asList( ), 480
Assembly language, 4, 5
assert, 13, 306–309
Assertion, 306–309
AssertionError, 306
Assignment operator(s)
=, 25, 73
arithmetic compound (op=), 57, 59–60
bitwise compound, 60, 69–70
Boolean logical, 71
atan( ), 419
atan2( ), 419
Atomic operations, 811–812
AtomicInteger class, 811–812
AtomicLong class, 811
AudioClip interface, 617, 635
Autoboxing/unboxing, 13, 14, 265, 266–272, 319
Boolean and Character values, 270
and the Collections Framework, 439–440, 451
definition of, 266
and error prevention, 271
and expressions, 268–270
and methods, 267–268
when to use, 271–272
available( ), 563, 564–565, 595, 596
await( ), 795, 796, 797, 798, 808
AW T.SeeAbstract Window Toolkit
AWTEvent class, 640
bit mask constants, 749
B, 4
BeanInfo interface, 848, 850
Beans, Java.SeeJava Beans
Bell curve, 517
Bell Laboratories, 6
Berkeley UNIX, 599
Berners-Lee, Tim, 605
Beyond Photography, The Digital Darkroom
(Holzmann), 766
binarySearch( ), 480
BitSet class, 505–507
methods, table of, 505–506
Bitwise operators, 62–70
Blocks, code.SeeCode blocks
literals, 40
logical operators, 71–73
Boolean class, 265, 270, 402
methods, table of, 402–403
boolean data type, 33, 34, 38–39
and relational operators, 70–71
booleanValue( ), 265, 402
Border interface, 878
BorderFactory class, 878
BorderLayout class, 664, 725–727, 870
Borenstein, Nat, 611
Boxing, 266
break statement, 81–83, 98–102
and the for-each loop, 94
as form of goto, 100–102
Buffer class, 816–817
methods, table of, 816
Buffer, NIO, 815–817
Index 999