simple, 33
wrappers for primitive, 264–266, 386–403
DatagramPacket class, 613, 614–615
Datagrams, 600, 613–616
server/client example, 615–616
DatagramSocket class, 613–614, 818
DataInput interface, 576, 577, 578, 595
DataInputStream class, 287, 576, 577
DataOutput interface, 576, 578, 593
DataOutputStream class, 287, 576–577
Date class, 507–509, 840
methods, table of, 508
DateFormat class, 507, 516, 525, 840–842
Deadlock, 423
Decrement operator (– –), 29, 57, 60–61
decrementAndGet( ), 789, 811
deepEquals( ), 482
deepHashCode( ), 483
deepToString( ), 483
clause for annotation member, 279
statement, 81–82
DefaultMutableTreeNode class, 901
DelayQueue class, 808
Delegation event model, 638–639
and Beans, 849
event listeners, 638, 639, 650–653
event sources, 638, 638–639, 649–650
using, 653–658
delete operator, 121
delete( ), 382, 558
deleteCharAt( ), 382
deleteOnExit( ), 558
delimiter( ), 547
Delimiters, 503, 590
Scanner class, 541, 547–548
@Deprecated built-in annotation, 282, 283
Deque interface, 440, 446–448, 451, 452, 457
methods, table of, 447
descendingIterator( ), 446, 447
destroy( ), 403, 407, 423, 425, 618, 621, 622, 623,
625, 871, 908, 910, 912, 913
Destructors versus finalize( ), 122
Dialog boxes, 742–748
file, 747–748
Dialog class, 742
Dictionary class, 438, 487, 493–494
abstract methods, table of, 493
digit( ), 400
Dimension class, 664, 668, 681
Directories as File objects, 556, 559–560
creating, 561
dispose( ), 742
DLL (dynamic link library), 303, 304, 305, 306
do-while loop, 86–88
Document base, 633
Document interface, 881
Document/view methodology, 522
@Documented built-in annotation, 282
doDelete( ), 921, 922
doGet( ), 921, 922, 923
doHead( ), 921, 922
Domain name, 600
Domain Naming Service (DNS), 600
doOptions( ), 921, 922
doPost( ), 921, 922, 924
doPut( ), 921, 922
Dot operator (.), 74, 75, 107, 113–114, 142,
184, 190
doTrace( ), 921, 922
Double buffering, 759–762
Double class, 265, 386–390
methods, table of, 388–389
double data type, 33, 36–37, 40
doubleValue( ), 265, 386, 387, 388, 391, 392,
393, 395
Download Manager, 965–990
compiling and running, 989
enhancing, suggestions for, 990
overview of, 966
Downloads, Internet
operation of, 966
resuming interrupted, 965
Drag-and-Drop API, 882
drawArc( ), 679–680
drawImage( ), 757, 760, 761–762
drawLine( ), 677, 874
drawOval( ), 678–679
drawPolygon( ), 680–681
drawRect( ), 677, 874
drawRoundRect( ), 678
drawString( ), 297, 618, 623, 625, 692
Dynamic link library (DLL), 303, 304, 305, 306
Dynamic method
dispatch, 174–175
lookup, 195
resolution, 193
E (double constant), 418
Early binding, 180
echoCharIsSet( ), 720
Edit control, 719
Index 1003