Java The Complete Reference, Seventh Edition

(Greg DeLong) #1
suffixes for the time and date, table of,
table of, 528
uppercase versions of, 537–538
Format flags, 535–537
format( ), 376, 526–528, 576, 587, 588, 840
Formattable interface, 553
FormattableFlags class, 553
Formatter class, 525–539, 575
constructors, 526
methods, table of, 527
See alsoFormat conversion specifiers
forName( ), 415, 833
Frame class, 664, 666, 667–668, 669
Frame window(s), 667–676
creating stand-alone, 674–676
handling events in, 670–674
within applet, creating, 668–670
Frank, Ed, 6
freeMemory( ), 404, 405–406
FTP (File Transfer Protocol), 600, 605, 966
Future interface, 788, 804–805

Garbage collection, 12, 121, 122, 135, 405,
435, 763
gc( ), 404, 405–406, 409
Generic class
example program with one type parameter,
example program with two type
parameters, 322–324
general form, 324
hierarchies, 342–349
and instanceof, 345–348
overriding methods in a, 348–349
Generic constructors, 336–337
Generic interfaces, 316, 337–339
and classes, 338–339
Generic method, 316, 334–336. 355
Generics, 13, 14, 267, 315–356
and ambiguity errors, 353–354
and arrays, 355–356
and casts, 316
and the Collections Framework, 315, 439,
484–487, 501
and compatibility with pre-generics code,
339–342, 349
and exception classes, 356

restrictions on using, 354–356
type checking and, 319, 320–322
GenericServlet class, 910, 912, 914, 921
get( ), 443, 453, 464, 465, 468, 493, 494, 495, 505,
510, 612, 804–805, 807, 811
and buffers, 817
getActionCommand( ), 641, 704, 714, 883, 890
getAddListenerMethod( ), 854
getAddress( ), 602, 614
getAdjustable( ), 641
getAdjustmentType( ), 642, 717
getAlignment( ), 703
getAllByName( ), 601, 602
getAllFonts( ), 688
getAndSet( ), 789, 811, 812
getAnnotation( ), 274, 278, 415, 430
getAnnotations( ), 277, 278, 416, 430
getApplet( ), 635
getAppletContext( ), 618, 634
getApplets( ), 635
getAscent( ), 692, 693
getAttribute, 913, 914, 919, 927
getAttributeNames( ), 919, 927
getAudioClip( ), 618–619, 635
getAvailableFontFamilyNames( ), 687–688
getBackground( ), 624
getBeanInfo( ), 853
getBlue( ), 683
getButton(), 647
getByAddress( ), 602
getByName( ), 601
getBytes( ), 366, 566
getCause( ), 219, 221
getChannel( ), 818, 819, 821
getChars( ), 365–366, 379–380, 581
getChild( ), 643
getClass( ), 181, 273, 413, 415, 417–418, 835
getClickCount( ), 646
getCodeBase( ), 619, 633
getColor( ), 684
getComponent( ), 642
getConstructor( ), 274, 416
getConstructors( ), 416, 833
getContainer( ), 642–663
getContentLength( ), 607
getContentPane( ), 867, 870
getContents( ), 551
getContentType( ), 607, 608
getCookies( ), 918, 926
getData( ), 614
getDate( ), 607, 608

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