536 Part II: The Java Library
fmt.format("|%-10.2f|", 123.123);
It produces the following output:
| 123.12|
|123.12 |
As you can see, the second line is left-justified within a 10-character field.
The Space, +, 0, and ( Flags
To cause a+sign to be shown before positive numeric values, add the+flag. For example,
fmt.format("%+d", 100);
creates this string:
When creating columns of numbers, it is sometimes useful to output a space before
positive values so that positive and negative values line up. To do this, add the space flag.
For example,
// Demonstrate the space format specifiers.
import java.util.*;
class FormatDemo5 {
public static void main(String args[]) {
Formatter fmt = new Formatter();
fmt.format("% d", -100);
fmt = new Formatter();
fmt.format("% d", 100);
fmt = new Formatter();
fmt.format("% d", -200);
fmt = new Formatter();
fmt.format("% d", 200);