Sustainable Agriculture and Food: Four volume set (Earthscan Reference Collections)

(Elle) #1

394 Agriculture and the Environment

agroecosystems 123–4
feedback loop 24–5
high-input farming systems 363
intensification 181
soil system management 362–4, 366
biodiversity management 321, 324, 327
Carchi, Ecuador 84–5, 92
integrated pest management 179–85, 188
pesticides 17–21
predator effects 191
vegetable crops 193
institutional policy measures 37
institutional social capital 235, 251–2
institutional structures (ecosystem services)
149–51, 155, 156–7
integrated agroecosystem components 175–6
integrated pest management (IPM) 4, 6, 114,
EU-FAO 99–100
Farmer Field Schools 91–2
future needs 196–7
NRM programmes 255
rice 178–92, 194–5, 196–7
social capital formation 260
TOA model 89
vegetables 178–9, 192–7
integrated policies 39–40
intelligence 310–12
intensification of agriculture 19, 28–31, 154, 181,
364–5, 368
interaction effects 270
intercropping pest control 323–4, 326–7
interdependent social-ecological systems 139–
Interim Enhanced Surface Water Treatment Rule
internalization of costs 37–8, 75
invasive organisms 19–20
natural resource management 254–6
social-ecological 147–8
IPM see integrated pest management
iprobenfos 186
irrigation systems 127, 128, 132, 255, 260,
Ivanhoe Civic League 338

Jackson, C. 236
Jackson, Dana L. 6, 201–13, 385
Jackson, Wes 382
James, Bart and Sue 333–4
Japan’s wetlands 29–30
joint forest management (JFM) 260

Kansas state 376
Karakoram mountains, Pakistan 126–7
Kato, Yoshitake 30
Keller, Helen 298
Keller, John 343–4
Kenmore, Peter 184, 190

Kentuckians for the Commonwealth (KFTC)
Kentucky state 339–40, 345–6
key stewards, ecosystem services 152–4
KFTC see Kentuckians for the Commonwealth
King, Ynestra 219–20, 221
kinship groups 281–5
see also social networks
Kirschenmann, Fred 10–11, 208, 372–86
Kishi, M. 98, 112
knowledge 142, 146, 151–2, 154–5, 370
see also education; learning
Kohek, Erazim 315
Korea 187
see also South Korea
Krishna, A. 234–5, 252
Kristianstads Vattenrike Ecomuseum 152, 157
Kyoto Protocol 36
labelling pesticides 87–8, 194
agroecosystems 123–4, 133
division of 222, 236, 250
economic development 350
Goldschmidt hypothesis 264–5, 267, 269, 271
household communication networks 282–3
intensive labour 364–5, 368
rice weeding 187
land conservation 74
see also conservation programmes
land ethics 211–12, 304
land productivity 364–5, 368
land resource inputs 123–4
Land Stewardship Project (LSP) 201–2, 206,
landholding classes 104, 107, 108, 113
landscape design 301, 312–13
agri-environmental indicators 74
biodiversity benefits 327–8
biodiversity crisis 381
monetary values 33–4
wildness 372–4
Laos 194
Lapping, Mark 343–4
large-scale farming 263–5, 268–9, 271, 363–4, 367
see also industrialized agriculture
large-scale organization intelligence 311
lateral learning 347
Latin America 40–1, 179, 188, 241
see also individual countries
latitudinal studies 190
law of the minimum 360
LDC see less developed countries
leadership 152–4
see also management practices
community development 347
complex adaptive systems 143, 145–6
crisis management 154
groups 283–4
see also education; training schemes
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