Sustainable Agriculture and Food: Four volume set (Earthscan Reference Collections)

(Elle) #1
Index 399

social capital
collective resource management 257–62
communities 6–9, 10, 217–88
definition 24–5
ecofeminism 223–4
gender 234–56
Goldschmidt hypothesis 270–1
interdependent systems 141–3, 152, 155
marginal communities 275
production costs 73
social connectedness 8–9, 274–90
see also connectedness
social constructionist ecofeminism 219, 220–1
social-ecological systems 5, 139–65
social memory 142–3, 152, 154–5
social networks 151–6
connectedness 239, 258–9
gender 236–7, 239, 241, 243
social relations 239, 243
social taboos 149–51
social value 123
socialist feminism 219–20
socioeconomic factors 101, 110, 119–20, 172
SOCM see Save Our Cumberland Mountains
Soehardi 183
soil erosion
agri-environmental indicators 73–4
agroecosystems 169
China 30
external costs 56, 58, 61–5, 73–4
modern agriculture effects 131–2
UK 27
vegetational diversification 328
soil fertility 23
soil management see soil system management
soil organic matter 35–6, 67
soil science 10
soil system management 256, 357–71
solidarity 243–5, 250
South America see Latin America
South India see India
South Korea 187, 196
Southeast Community College, Kentucky 339–40
Southwick, E.E. and L. 67
Soviet Union 40
sowing technology 282
soybeans 201–4, 207, 380
spatial scale, social-ecological systems 139–40,
species diversity decline 27
specific-species taboos 150
spiders 184
spiritualism 315
spraying operations 17–18, 20, 85, 90–2, 97–8,
104–5, 109–13
SRI see System of Rice Intensification
stability of ecosystems 123–4, 126–8, 181, 183
standardization 307
standards 37
Staphylococcus 32
Stapledon, George 23
Steiner, George 313

Steiner, Rudolf A. 56, 381
stemborer insects 181, 183–4
stewards 147–8, 152–4, 156
see also Land Stewardship Project
story-telling in design 315
strategic planning 343
strawberries 172–3
stream analogy, agroecosystems 166–7, 175–6
stresses 124–5
Strontium 90 16–17
ecosystems 168, 171
farm units 265–71
subsidies 1, 3, 22–3
agroecosystems 125, 131–2
external costs 28
pollution policies 38
Trade-off Analysis 89
SUP see safe use of pesticides
supply-side economic development 350
surface water 57, 60, 61–2, 64, 68
survey methodology 276–80
agroecosystem properties 123–9, 132–4
assessing 357
processes contributing to 358–9
sustainable agriculture
definition 25
future perspectives 175–6
sustainable agroecosystems 174–5
see also agroecosystems
Swanson, Louis E. 263–73
Sweden 154–5
Switzerland 39, 41–2
symbolic social relations 239
synchronous planting 186
synthetic pesticides see pesticides
System of Rice Intensification (SRI) 365, 369
systems theory 119–22, 168–9
taboos 149–51
Tainter, Joseph 296
Taoliwa village 285–8
taxation 1, 22, 38, 89
tearing poisoning symptom 105
technical assistance model 338, 340–1, 343–4,
346–8, 350, 354–5
agroecosystems 123–4, 167
design 297–317
externalities 54, 55
Farmer Field Schools 92
Farmer Innovation Circles 274–90
marginal communities 8–9
poverty 368
social-ecological systems 144
Trade-off Analysis 89
see also innovation
Tegtmeier, Erin M. 3, 53–81
temporal scale, social-ecological systems 139–40,
temporal taboos 150
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