Sustainable Agriculture and Food: Four volume set (Earthscan Reference Collections)

(Elle) #1
The Environmental and Social Costs of Improvement 51

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Bishop J. 1990. The Cost of Soil Erosion in Malawi. Malawi Country Operations Division, The World
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Bishop J and Allen J. 1989. The On-Site Costs of Soil Erosion in Mali. Environmental Department
Working Paper No 21, World Bank, Washington DC
Blackler A. 1994. Indigenous versus imposed: Soil management in the Mixteca Alta, Oaxaca, Mexico.
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Boardman J. 1990. Soil erosion on the South Downs: A review. In Boardman J, Foster I D L and Dear-
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Castillo G T. 1992. Sustainable agriculture: In concept and in deed. ODI Agric Admin (R&E) Network
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CFDA. Passim. Summary of Illnesses and Injuries Reported by California Physicians as Potentially Related
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Chand R, Sindhu D S and Kaul J L. 1985. Impact of agricultural modernization on labour use pattern
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Chaudhri D P. 1992. Employment consequences of the Green Revolution: Some emerging trends.
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Chen D F, Meier P G and Hilbert M S. 1987. Organochlorine pesticide residues in paddy fish in
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Collier W L, Soentoro, Wiradi G, Basandaran E, Sontoso K and Stepanek J F. 1982. The acceleration
of rural development on Java: From village studies to a national perspective. Agro-Economic Survey
Occasional Paper No 6, Bogor, Indonesia

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