Sustainable Agriculture and Food: Four volume set (Earthscan Reference Collections)

(Elle) #1

54 The Global Food System

Jodha N S. 1990. Rural Common Property Resources: A Growing Crisis. Sustainable Agriculture Pro-
gramme Gatekeeper Series SA24. IIED, London
Jonjuabsong L and Hwai-kham A. 1991. A summary of some Thai experiences in sustainable agricul-
ture in collaboration with government agencies. Agric Admin (R&E) Network 28. ODI, London,
Juma C. 1989. Biological Diversity and Innovation: Conserving and Utilizing Genetic Resources in Kenya.
African Centre for Technology Studies, Nairobi, Kenya
Kaphalia B S, Siddiqui F S and Setu T D. 1985. Contamination levels in different food items and
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Kaul Shah M. 1993. Impact of Technological Change in Agriculture: Women’s Voices from a Tribal Village
in South Gujarat, India. IDS, University of Sussex, April
Kenmore P. 1991. How Rice Farmers Clean up the Environment, Conserve Biodiversity, Raise More Food,
Make Higher Profits. Indonesia’s IPM – A Model for Asia. FAO, Manila, Philippines
Kenmore P E, Carino F O, Perez C A, Dyck V A and Gutierrez A P. 1984. Population regulation of
the brown planthopper within rice fields in the Philippine. Journal of Plant Protection in the Trop-
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KEPAS. 1984. The Sustainability of Agricultural Intensification in Indonesia. KEPAS, Jakarta
Kerr J and Sanghi N K. 1992. Soil and Water Conservation in India’s Semi Arid Tropics. Sustainable
Agriculture Programme Gatekeeper Series SA34. IIED, London
Khush G S. 1990. Multiple disease and insect resistance for increased yield stability in rice. In IRRI.
Progress in Irrigated Rice Research. IRRI, Los Baños, Philippines
Kiss A and Meerman F. 1991. Integrated Pest Management in African Agriculture. World Bank Technical
Paper 142. African Technical Department Series. World Bank, Washington DC
Lane C. 1990. Barabaig natural resource management: Sustainable land use under threat of destruc-
tion. Discussion Paper 12. UNRISD, Geneva
Lane C. 1993. The state strikes back: Extinguishing customary rights to land in Tanzania. In Never
Drink from the Same Cup. Proceedings of the Conference on Indigenous Peoples in Africa, Den-
mark. CDR/IWIGIA Doc 72
Lane C. 1994. The Barabaig/NAFCO conflict in Tanzania: On whose terms can it be resolved? Forest,
Trees and People Newsletter 20
Lane C and Pretty J N. 1990. Displaced Pastoralists and Transferred Wheat Technology in Tanzania.
Sustainable Agriculture Programme Gatekeeper Series SA20. IIED, London
Leach G. 1976. Energy and Food Production. IPC Science and Technology Press, Guildford and IIED,
Leach G. 1985. Energy and agriculture. Paper for USAID meeting on Agriculture and Rural Develop-
ment and Energy, IRRI, Philippine, 24–26 April
Litsinger J A, Canapi B L, Bandong J P, Dela Cruz C M, Apostol R F, Pantua P C, Lumaban M D,
Alviola A L, Raymuno F, Libertario E M, Loevinsohn M E and Joshi R C. 1987. Rice crop loss
from insect pests in wetland and dryland environments of Asia with emphasis on the Philippines.
Insect Sci Applic 8, 677–692
Lobao L. 1990. Locality and Inequality: Farm and Industry Structure and Socio-Economic Conditions.
State University of New York Press, New York
Lobley M. 1993. Small farms and agricultural policy: A conservationalist perspective. Paper presented
to the Centre for Agricultural Strategy/Small Farmers Association Symposium, 30–31 March,
University of Reading
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Loevinsohn M E. 1987. Insecticide use and increased mortality in rural central Luzon, Philippines.
The Lancet i, 1359–1362
MAFF. Passim. Agricultural and Horticultural Census Statistics. Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and
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