Sustainable Agriculture and Food: Four volume set (Earthscan Reference Collections)

(Elle) #1

56 The Global Food System

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Pretty J N and Shah P. 1994. Soil and Water Conservation in the 20th Century: A History of Coercion and
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Rola A. 1989. Pesticides, Health Risks and Farm Productivity: A Philippine Experience. Agricultural
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Rola A and Pingali P. 1993. Pesticides, rice productivity and health impacts in the Philippines. In Faeth
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Sardamon K. 1991. Filling the Rice Bowl: Women in Paddy Cultivation. Sangam Books, Hyderabad
Scoones I, Melnyk M and Pretty J N. 1992. The Hidden Harvest: Wild Foods and Agricultural Systems.
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Shaxson T F, Hudson N W, Sanders D W, Roose E and Moldenhauer W C. 1989. Land Husbandry. A
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Showers K B. 1989. Soil erosion in the Kingdom of Lesotho: Origins and colonial response 1830s–
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Showers K B and Malahleha G. 1990. Pilot study for the development of methodology to be used as a
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SIDA. 1984. Soil Conservation in Borkana Catchment. Evaluation Report. Final Report, SIDA,
Singh A J and Miglani SS. 1976. An economic analysis of energy requirements in Punjab agriculture.
Indian J Agric Econ July–September

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