Sustainable Agriculture and Food: Four volume set (Earthscan Reference Collections)

(Elle) #1

74 The Global Food System

Carter J. 1995. Alley Farming: Have Resource-Poor Farmers Benefited? Natural Resource Perspectives
No. 3. ODI, London
Crowley E and Carter S. 2000. Agrarian change and the changing relationships between toil and soil
in Maragoli, Western Kenya (1900–1994). Human Ecology 28, 383–414
Gugerty M K and Kremer M. 2002. The impact of development assistance on social capital: Evidence
from Kenya. In C Grootaert and T van Bastelaer (eds.) The Role of Social Capital in Development
pp213–233. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge
Hassane A, Martin P and Reij C. 2000. Water Harvesting, Land Rehabilitation and Household Food
Security in Niger. IFAD, Rome
Lockeretz W. 1991. Information requirements of reduced-chemical production methods. American
Journal of Alternative Agriculture 6, 97–103
Moser C and Barrett C. 2003. The disappointing adoption dynamics of a yield-increasing, low exter-
nal-input technology: The case of SRI in Madagascar. Agricultural Systems 76, 1085–1100
Neill S and Lee D. 2001. Explaining the adoption and disadoption of sustainable agriculture: The case
of cover crops in Northern Honduras. Economic Development and Cultural Change 49, 793–820
Place F, Swallow B, Wangila J and Barrett C. 2002. Lessons for natural resource management technol-
ogy adoption and research. In C B Barrett, F Place and A A Aboud (eds). Natural Resources Man-
agement in African Agriculture pp275–286. Wallingford, CABI, UK
Pontius J, Dilts R and Bartlett A. (eds) 2002. Ten Years of IPM Training in Asia – From Farmer Field
School to Community IPM. FAO, Bangkok
Pretty J. 1995. Regenerating Agriculture. Earthscan, London
Pretty J, Thompson J, and Kiara J K. 1995. Agricultural regeneration in Kenya: The catchment
approach to soil and water conservation. Ambio 24(1), 7–15
Pretty J and Ward H. 2001. Social capital and the environment. Wo rl d Development 29, 209–227
Sumberg J and Okali C. 1997. Farmers’ Experiments: Creating Local Knowledge. Lynne Rienner, Boul-
der, CO
Tripp R. 2005. Self-Sufficient Agriculture: Labour and Knowledge in Small-Scale Farming. Earthscan,
Tripp R, Wijeratne M and Piyadasa V H forthcoming. What should we expect from farmer field
schools? A case study from Sri Lanka. World Development

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