Sustainable Agriculture and Food: Four volume set (Earthscan Reference Collections)

(Elle) #1

208 Poverty and Hunger

As the distinguished British ecologist Norman Myers pointed out, ‘It is in the
common interest of both agriculture and the natural world that a mutually sup-
portive relationship be developed between them. Production of food need not
destroy the wild ecosystems of the world and their wealth of biological diversity.
And preservation of wild ecosystems does not pose a threat to humanity feeding
itself. In fact, just the opposite is true. Sensible use of nature, which includes sub-
stantially increased nature conservation efforts, is essential to feed the planet...
Nature equals food. Without wild places, we cannot hope to have food on our
tables’ (Myers, 1987). And without healthy agriculture, we cannot expect nature
to prosper.


California Wilderness Coalition. 2002. Wild Harvest: Farming for Wildlife and Profitability. A report
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Defenders of Wildlife, Community Alliance With Family Farmers and California Sustainable
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Gemmill B. 2002. Managing Agricultural Resources for Biodiversity Conservation: A Guide to Best Prac-
tices. Produced with the support of the UNEP/UNDP GEF Biodiversity Planning Support Pro-
gramme. Environment Liaison Centre International, Nairobi. Draft
Heywood V H and Watson R T (eds). 1995. Global Biodiversity Assessment. Cambridge University
Press, Cambridge
McNeely J A. 1999. Mobilizing Broader Support for Asia’s Biodiversity: How Civil Society Can Contribute
to Protected Area Management. Asian Development Bank, Manila
Myers N. 1987. Tackling Mass Extinction of Species: A Great Creative Challenge. The Horace M.
Allbright Lecture in Conservation. University of California, Berkeley
Myers N. 1988. Threatened Biotas: ‘Hotspots’ in Tropical Forests. Environmentalist 8(3), 1–20
Pimbert M P and Toledo V. 1994. Indigenous People and Biodiversity Conservation: Myth or Reality?
EthnoEcologia 2(3), 1–96
Singh S, Sankaran V, Mander H and Worah S. 2000. Strengthening Conservation Cultures: Local Com-
munities and Biodiversity Conservation. UNESCO, Paris
Western D and Wright R M (eds). 1994. Natural Connections: Perspectives in Community-based Conser-
vation. Island Press, Washington DC
Wharton C. 1968. Man, Fire, and Wild Cattle in Southeast Asia. Proceedings of the Annual Tall Timbers
Fire Ecology Conference 7, 107–167
World Resources Institute (WRI). 2002. World Resources 2001–2002. World Resources Institute,
Washington DC

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