266 Diet and Health
national governments can implement. As with any other epidemic, we must focus
much of our energy on environmental solutions.
Preparation of this article was supported in part by grants from the American
National Institutes of Health (R01-HD30880). The author thanks Xuguang Guo
for assistance with the China data, Colleen Doak for assistance with the obesity
patterns, Tom Swasey for work on the graphics, Lynn Igoe for editorial assistance,
and Frances Dancy for administrative assistance. Credit is also given to collabora-
tors on the China Health and Nutrition Survey, in particular Drs Ge Keyou and
Zhai Fengying, Institute of Nutrition and Food Hygiene, Chinese Academy of
Preventive Medicine and on the Russian Longitudinal Monitoring Survey, Dr
Alexander Baturin, Institute of Nutrition, Russian Academy of Medical Sciences.
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