Sustainable Agriculture and Food: Four volume set (Earthscan Reference Collections)

(Elle) #1
Diet and Health: Diseases and Food 281

on the other hand, a growing army of people exhibit the symptoms of overfeeding
and obesity. In both cases, the international communities are floundering for solu-
tions, and malnutrition results, as indicated by Table 13.3.
Figure 13.7 highlights the role of the mother in infant health. Even before
conception, the mother’s own nutrition is vital.^37 It is now understood that chil-
dren who are born with a low birthweight are at increased risk of developing heart
disease and that good nourishment of the foetus is key. That nutrition affects dis-
ease patterns and life expectancy is now well documented.^38

Table 13.3 Types and effects of malnutrition

Type of malnutrition Nutritional effect No. of people affected
globally (× billion)
Hunger deficiency of calories and protein at least 1.2
Micronutrient deficiency deficiency of vitamins and minerals 2.0–3.5
Over-consumption excess of calories, often
accompanied by deficiency of
vitamins and minerals

at least 1.2–1.7

Source: Gardner and Halweil (2000), based on WHO, IFPRI, ACC/SCN data^33

Source: ACC/SCN (2000) Nutrition through the Life Cycle: 4th Report on the World Nutrition
Situation. UN Administrative Committee on Co-ordination Subcommittee on Nutrition, New
York, p8

Figure 13.7 Life cycle – the proposed causal links
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