452 Agriculture and Food Systems
associations 437–9
Australia 291
auxin 100
AWD see alternate wetting and drying
backyard agriculture 419–22
bacteria 303–5
bad life see ill-being
Bagadion, Benjamin 154
Balfour, Eve 8, 225–39
Bali 44–5
Ball, A.S. 375–97
bananas 21
Bangladesh 170–1, 173–5, 175, 179, 185–6
Barabaig people 44–6
Barker, David 257–8, 302
baseline environmental costs 377
behavioural change 241
Beijing, China 194–5
Belder, P. 99
belief systems 336–7
benefits analysis
eco-labelling 398–414
settlement schemes 144
Bermingham, John 198
Berry, Wendell 41, 365, 368, 370
beverage industry 320, 355–60
see also food industry
biodiversity 7, 31–49, 203–8, 408, 412
biomass 218
bioregions 3
biotechnology 89
birth rates, China 197
BMI see body mass index
body composition 173–4, 240–1, 257–8
see also embodiment; physical dimension
body mass index (BMI) 243, 250, 283–4
Bolivia 171, 179, 182
Bosnia and Herzegovina 176, 187
Bougherara, D. 411
bovine spongiform encephalopathy see BSE
‘box and whisker’ plots 214
BPH see brown planthopper
bran 229
branded foods 349, 354–5
Brazil 152, 185, 253–4, 257, 259–61, 302
Britain see United Kingdom
broad-scale commons governance 118–34
‘broken’ irrigation see intermittent irrigation
Brown, Lester 7, 190–202
brown planthopper (BPH) 21–2
Brundtland, Gro-Harlem 271
BSE (bovine spongiform encephalopathy) 75–7,
79, 83, 376, 378
Bulgaria 170, 172–3, 176–7, 179, 182–4, 186
bunds 30–1
‘burden of disease’ discourse 276, 289–92
bureaucracy 75, 445–6
Burger King 351, 352–4
Burkitt, D. 277
Bush, George W. 285–6
Bushey, John 360
businesses 421, 442–5
see also corporate farming
Buttel, F. 431, 432–5
Byerlee, D. 65
Cadbury-Schweppes 357
California state 23, 40–1, 372
calorific intake
beverages 358
overabundance 319, 320, 323
see also energy outcomes
Cambodia 35–6, 106
Camel cigarette advertising 349
Campanioni, Nelso 12
Campylobacter 304
Canada 121
cancers 262–3, 272, 290, 297–301, 305
CAP see Common Agricultural Policy
Cape Verde soil conservation 30–1
carbon dioxide (CO 2 ) 19–20, 117–18
carbon sequestration 217–18
carcass diets 230, 232–5
cardiovascular conditions 253, 262, 264–5,
289–90, 294–7, 305
Caribbean obesity patterns 259
Carter, S. 66–7
casual labour 66
CCP ‘Covapi’ label 404, 408–10
CDC see Other Cahier ties Charges
Celebration community 360
cereal crops 20, 27
see also individual types
Cernea, Michael 148
cestodes 305
Chambers, Robert 6, 137–68, 169–89
classification 159–61
foodshed thinking 368, 372–3
institutional arrangements 124
localized food systems 393–4
relationships 443
social change 38–49
see also climate change; environmental change;
nutrition transition
CHD see coronary heart disease
chicken farming 323, 424–5
marketing to 317, 333, 342, 347–60
obesity 258, 265, 284–8, 319–20
one-child-family policy 199–200
quality of life 172, 174, 177, 180–1, 184,
undernourishment 273, 281–3
Walt Disney Company 346, 348
China 7, 190–202
diets 229, 236–8, 277–80, 297, 301–2
diseases 277–80, 297, 301–2
nutrition transition 242, 249–51, 253–7, 260–1
obesity patterns 260, 261
SRI 106–7
China Health and Nutrition Survey (CHNS) 242,
249–50, 253, 261