Index 461
resistance to 20–2, 35
resource-conserving agriculture 210, 219–20
Petesch, P. 169–89
Philip Morris (food company) 323–5, 334
biodiversity 32, 33–4, 37
energy consumption 18–20
nutrition transition 251
pesticide effects 22, 24–6
settlement schemes 154
photosynthetic efficiency of rice 91, 92–4, 106
physical activity 240–2, 248–57, 263–5, 289,
physical dimension
ill-being 181–2, 186
well-being 173–4, 175
physiology see plant physiology
pig farming 425–6
pigeonpeas 37
Pingali, Prabhu 25–6
Pizza Hut 364
plant-based diets 318, 326–7
plant density, HYT/SRI 91
plant physiology 94–5, 106
playgrounds 352
poisonings by pesticides 17, 23–6
Chinese population growth 199–200
commitment and continuity 153–6
eco-labelling 398, 399, 400–1, 411–12
food industry influence 316
food-related diseases 272–4, 296, 307–8
transport 393
political commitment irreversibility 132–68
politicization of food 5, 9–10, 75–87, 314–39,
344–5, 439–40
pollution costs 16–17
Popkin, Barry M. 1, 9, 240–69, 276–9
Popular Councils, Cuba 418–19, 426
popular gardens 420–1, 424
population density
Asia/Europe comparison 196
China 191
population growth 7, 193–200, 203–4, 243–8
Population Reference Bureau (PRB), China 200
portion size standards 335–6
positive externalities 376, 388, 400
Potam, Mexico 42–3
potato farming 213–15
potential evapotranspiration (ETp) 216–17
poultry farming 323, 424–5
poverty 6–8, 137–222
LEIT study 70, 72–3
nutrition transition 246, 248, 253, 265
obesity relationship 253, 286
overview 1
quality of life 169–89
rural communities 38–9, 203–6
urbanization 246, 248
Western world 306
power relations 82, 183–4
powerlessness 183–4
PPAs see participatory poverty assessments
PRA see participatory rural appraisal
PRB see Population Reference Bureau
Precautionary Principle 146, 159–61
predators 21
Pretty, Jules 1–12, 15–58, 63, 209–22,
exclusion 439–40
grain crops 190, 194–5
marketing food 328–9
organic food 385
quality labelling 399, 408, 410–12
primary producers 440, 446
private ownership of commons 116, 120
processed foods 328–9
Produce for Better Health Foundation 332
production of food 3
biodiversity conservation 203–4
bureaucratic professionalization 446
China 190–3
eco-labelling 398–9, 406–8
ecoagriculture 207–8
exclusion/empowerment 440
improvement costs 15
moral economy 365–8
politics 84–5
resource-conserving agriculture 209–22
social/cultural reconstruction 441–2
specialization 406–8
SRI 108
undernourishment avoidance 282–3
values 328
see also food industry; supply of food
Productionist paradigm 270–4, 307
productivity levels 8, 206–7, 216–17
see also yield
professionalization 445–6
programming hypothesis, obesity 257–8, 263
project-based strategies 72–3, 142–5, 150–3
see also individual projects
promotional strategies 67, 70–2, 315, 331–41
see also marketing
protected wild areas 205–6
see also conservation programmes
proximity component of foodsheds 368–9, 371
psychological quality of life 184–9
public confusion, diets 330–1
public health campaigns 270–1, 273, 296, 303–4,
pulses 230
Pyramid see Food Guide Pyramid
qualitative analyses 408–11
quality of life 169–89
quality schemes 11, 398–414
quantitative analysis 403–4
radical reformism 372–3
rainfed systems 216–17
rationality 433–4
Ray A. Kroc Museum 340–1