76 Ethics and Systems Thinking
trial treatment. Nor was the failure to eliminate any of the controls discussed or
justified. Most of the conclusions were based on the one remaining trial chak with
subchaks, the Koliary outlet, comparing its performance with that of the 11 con-
Second, the Koliary outlet had a privileged location compared with the con-
trols as a whole. It was accessible to administrative headquarters at Raipur. It was
on the MRP which had more water than the HRP. It was selected because it would
be possible to assure a water supply. And it was well placed on the canal system,
being at the head of a distributary at the head of the canal. The relative positions
are shown in Table 5.2.
Third, the Koliary chak received special treatment. Before the kharif season,
the farmers on the Koliary outlet were asked if they would be prepared to plant
Table 5.2 Details of trial and control chaks, MRP and HBP
Position of
on canal
Position of
chak on
Number of
days taken
for completing
first irrigation
C =
Accepted or
1 (Saja) Head Head 71.2 14 Trial Rejected
(gall midge)
2 (Koliary) Head Head 23.6 5 Trial Accepted
3 Head – 42.3 8 C Accepted
4 Middle Head 16.9 27 C Accepted
5 Middle – 50.0 17 C Accepted
6 Middle – 43.5 6 a C Accepted
7 Tail – 45.0 10 a C Accepted
8 Tail – 44.1 8 a C Accepted
9 (Kurud
tank) – – 32.35^22 C Accepted
10 Head Head 49.1 16 C Accepted
11 Head Head 18.9 6 a C Accepted
12 (Muda-
par) Middle Head 79.6^25
b Trial Rejected
(little water)
13 Middle Head 46.9 46 b C Accepted
14 Tail Head 43.5 7 C Accepted
a ‘Due to heavy rainfall on 8.8.79’.
b ‘The supply was intermittent. The days of interruptions in canal supplies have been omitted’.
Source: WAPCOS, 1980, pp8 and 15