Sustainable Agriculture and Food: Four volume set (Earthscan Reference Collections)

(Elle) #1
New Meanings for Old Knowledge 197

approval for the joint studies, identifying different biodiversity user groups, iden-
tifying individuals knowledgeable in different aspects of distribution and uses of
biodiversity, interviewing individuals and groups with members representing dif-
ferent user groups, mapping the study site landscape, visiting representative ele-
ments of this landscape with some user-group members and knowledgeable
individuals, and discussing resource use at the study area with the entire village
assembly and with outsiders such as nomadic shepherds or artisans, traders and
government officials. This methodology is spelled out in detail in the Srishtigyan
manual (Chhatre et al, 1998).

Figure 10.1 041 Distribution of study sites across various bioclimatic zones in India.
Site numbers refer to those in Table 10.1
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