Sustainable Agriculture and Food: Four volume set (Earthscan Reference Collections)

(Elle) #1

Table 20.2

Comparison of social attributes of first-generation global models

Meadows et al (1972)

Mesarovic and Pestel (1974)

Kahn, Brown and Martel (1976)

Goldsmith et al (1972)



Herrera et al (1976)

Leontief, Carter and Petri (1977)




Clark and Munn (1986)



Resources; waste sink; scarcity

Harmony; web of life; human survival; scarcity

Warehouse; conquer; monitor; manage

System; complexity; stable; self-regula-tory; predict-able


Economic factor; resources; waste sink; not limiting

Life support; resources

Garden; Gaia; resources

Harmony; resources

Human nature

Culture; creativity, incentive = improvement; basic good

Basic goods; can change; do right thing

Self-interest; incentive = struggle; satisfaction; test/stimulate; structure/purpose; engineered

Part of nature; adaptation; natural law; community; belonging

Not addressed; solidarity; progress

Not addressed; implied – Homo economus

Not addressed; implied – part of nature

Goodness; utilitarian

Rational; do right thing


Mechanical; interval; open future; 70 years

Linear w/cycles; narrowing options; 50 years

Linear: sequential developing progress; slowing change

Not clear; critical point; industrialism as historical aberration

Linear; history open-ended and depends on human will; process as original


Linear; future as extrapola-tion of present; narrowing options

Linear; holistic


Valid modes of under-standing

Rational science; analyse, then manage; science engaged in morals

Holism; science; objective + subjective; science engaged; participation

Rational; engineering; objective; science; morality

Culturally determined; may be many; science serves ecosphere

Analytical; rational; economic models; ideology

Analytical; rational; economic models

Analytical models

Science; interdisci-plinary; surprises; linear argument for non-linearity

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