Sustainable Agriculture and Food: Four volume set (Earthscan Reference Collections)

(Elle) #1

436 Policies, Processes and Institutions

People’s Biodiversity Registers 194, 205–7
professionalism 126–7
prophecies 417–18
rural communities 283
instrumental rationality 313
insurance schemes 341, 344
integrated area development 71
integrated farming programmes 2, 186–8, 364–5,
integrated pest management (IPM) 7, 184, 254
integration concept 147, 266, 277
intellectual property rights 210
intensification of agriculture 275–6
extension role 223
farmer-scientist 97, 101–2
projects-networks 150–1
interactive participation method 118, 119
interface analysis 160–1
internal validity 123
International Agricultural Research Centres
International Centre for Research in Agroforestry
(ICRAF) 263
international extension activities 217–18
International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) 263
international soil-fertility initiatives 381, 390
international trade agreements 284
interpretations 114–15
intervention strategies 219–25, 229–30, 233,
see also government intervention
interviewing methods 120–2
Inuit people 303
I/O see input/output relations
IPM see integrated pest management
IRRI see International Rice Research Institute
irrigation systems 5–6, 69–89, 324, 333
‘islands of salvation’ 79–84, 87
ISNAR on-farm research 105
isomorphism 39
Ison, R.L. 222

Jackson, M.C. 37, 39, 40
Jamieson, Dale 57, 60, 62–3, 65–6
Jarratt, - 418
Jayaraman, T.K. 73
Jiggins, J.L.S. 306
‘job creation’ strategies 283, 285
judgmental thinking 42, 54, 55, 58, 63
Juma, C. 96
justice 53, 57–8, 66
‘just in time’ education 292

Kadana reservoir 69–70
Kahn, - 402, 405–13
Kahneman, D. 237
kambal trees 207–8
Karnataka State, India 198, 208–9, 211
Keen, M. 45
Kegan, R. 45
Kentucky state 17

Kerr, John M. 10–11, 321–36
Kitchener, K.S. 41, 45
Knorr-Cetina, K.D. 140
knowing systems 4–5, 34–51, 317
agricultural knowledge systems 231–4
change responses 304
competency-oriented 296–8
folk knowledge 7–8
horizontal exchange 226, 228
ignorance gap 293
Landcare Programme 272, 274
past/present/future 139–41
People‘s Biodiversity Registers 194–213
positivism 113, 115, 311–13
systems thinking 4–5, 34–51, 317
teaching paradigm 126
technological innovations 229
transformations 290–1
see also learning
Kolb, D.A. 46–7
Koliary outlet 76–8, 83
Kuhn, Thomas S. 41, 115–16, 312, 313
Kuiper, D. 221
regularities 144
soil-fertility management 359–61, 384
subsidized 329, 331
see also employment
Landcare Programme 9, 122, 261–80
land ethics 4, 15–28
land pyramid 21–5
land reform 370, 378–80
land tenure 369, 378–80
Latacz-Lohmann, U. 348, 349
Latin America 109, 119
see also South America
Latin American World Model (LAWM) 402,
Law, John 160
LAWM see Latin American World Model
leadership by women 190
leaf-feeding insects 9, 236–8, 240, 243–5, 249–52,
agroecology 10, 290–9
alternative systems 119–22
Bangladesh rice programme 191, 192
divergent modes of 295
extension 222
facilitation of 305
media materials 243
participatory processes 102, 109–34
People’s Biodiversity Registers 204–5
real life foundations 294, 296
systems thinking 5–6, 35–7, 45–7, 69–89
see also education; knowledge; training
Leeuwis, Cees 8, 217–35
LeGuin, Ursula 422–3
Leontief global model 402, 405–12
Leopold, Aldo 4, 15–28, 35
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