Sustainable Agriculture and Food: Four volume set (Earthscan Reference Collections)

(Elle) #1

276 Agricultural Revolutions and Change

on his farm. As the two touring farmers, Boys and Ellman, recorded in 1793, ‘in
Mr Young’s experimental ground are several patches of about a perch each, of
many sorts of grasses, amongst which the meadow fescue and Alopecurus pratensis
seem the best; timothy tolerably good; peas bad; Avena elatior very strong but
coarse’ (Boys and Ellman, 1793).

Table 12.3 A Sample of crop rotation patterns on five fields of the farm of Arthur
Biddell, Playford, Suffolk for the periods 1807–1817 and 1840–1850

Years Fields
Holly Bush Lollys Paddock Thistley Church Field
1807 Tu W W Be W
1808 B Tu W W B
1809 Cl B w Tu Lu/Ta
1810 W Ta Be B B/Be
1811 Tu W W Cl O
1812 B T Cl W Cl
1813 WCl B W Be W
1814 W Cl Ley W Pot/B
1815 Be W Cs Tu W
1816 W Be W B Lu/Be
1817 T W Tu/H WC1 W
1840 W Ley Tf/Tu W Be
1841 Tu W B Bt/Pot W
1841 B Tu WCl B Tf/Tu
1843 Ta/Car B W Be W
1844 W RCl Bt/Car W RC1
1845 Bt Rg W Tu W
1846 B Tu Tf B Bt
1847 GP B W RCl W
1848 W Be Ta W Mus
1849 Tu W Mus Tu W
1850 B Tu W B Tu
W = wheat
B = barley
Be = beans
Cl = clover
WCl = white clover
Luc = lucerne
Bt = beet
Tf = trefoil
Car = carrot

Cs = coleseed
Mus = mustard
GP = gold of pleasure (camelina)
RCl = red clover
Tu = turnips
Ta = tares
Rg = rye grass
Ley = summer ley
H = hemp

Source: Biddell, no date. ESCRO HA2B3-4/1

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