Sustainable Agriculture and Food: Four volume set (Earthscan Reference Collections)

(Elle) #1

400 Modern Agricultural Reforms

Jacks, G. and Whyte, R. 1939. The Rape of the Earth: A World Survey of Soil Erosion, Faber and Faber,
Johnson, K. 1979. Rain and Stormwater Harvesting in the USA and Latin America, Special Report to
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Kelly, L. C. 1985. ‘Anthropology in the Soil Conservation Service’, Agricultural History, 59 , 136–147.
Kerkhof, P. 1990. Agroforestry in Africa. Panos Institute, London.
Kerr, J. 1994. How subsidies distort incentives and undermine watershed development projects in
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Kerr, J. and Sanghi, N. K. 1992. Soil and Water Conservation in India’s Semi-Arid Tropics, Sustainable
Agriculture Programme Gatekeeper Series SA34, IIED, London.
Kiara, J. K., Pretty, J. N., Thompson, J. and Munyikombo, L. S. 1994. The impact of the catchment
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Economic and Environmental Impacts of Participatory Watershed Development, November, Banga-
lore, IIED, London.
KKU, 1987. Rapid Rural Appraisal, Proceedings of an International Conference, Rural Systems
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Krishna, A. 1994. Large-scale government programmes: Watershed development in Rajasthan, India.
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Participatory Watershed Development, November, IIED, London.
Kurokawa, K. 1991. Intercultural Architecture. The Philosophy of Symbiosis, Academy Editions, Lon-
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Mascarenhas, J., Shah, P., Joseph, S., Jayakaran, R., Devavaram, J., Ramachandran, V., Fernandez, A.,
Chambers, R. and Pretty, J. N. (eds) 1991. Participatory Rural Appraisal, RRA Notes, 13 , IIED,
Mndeme, K. C. H. 1992. Combatting soil erosion in Tanzania: The HADO experience, in K. Tato
and H. Hurni (eds) Soil Conservation for Survival, SCS, Ankeny, IA.
Murphree, M. 1993. Communities as Resource Management Institutions, IIED Sustainable Agriculture
Programme Gatekeeper Series 36, IIED, London.
Musema-Uwimana, A. 1983. ‘La conservation des terraces au Rwanda’, Recherche Agricole, 16 ,
Narayan, D. 1993. Focus on Participation: Evidence from 121 Rural Water Supply Projects, UNDP-
World Bank Water Supply and Sanitation Program, World Bank, Washington DC.
Östberg, W. and Christiansson, C. 1993. Of Lands and People, Working Paper No. 25 from the Envi-
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Ostrom, E. 1990. Governing the Commons: The Evolution of Institutions for Collective Action, Cam-
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Oxfam. 1987. Soil and Water Conservation Activities in Maraghe Region, Ethiopia. Oxfam, Oxford.
Planning Commission, 1964. Study of Soil Conservation Programme for Agricultural Land, Programme
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PLA Notes (formerly RRA Notes), 1988-continuing. Issues 1–26, cont. Sustainable Agriculture Pro-
gramme, IIED, London.

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