Sustainable Agriculture and Food: Four volume set (Earthscan Reference Collections)

(Elle) #1

402 Modern Agricultural Reforms

Shaxson, T. F. 1996. Principles of Good Land Husbandry, Association for Better Land Husbandry, Corfe
Mullen, Dorset.
Shaxson, T. F., Hudson, N. W., Sanders, D. W., Roose, E. and Moldenhauer, W. C. 1989. Land Hus-
bandry. A Framework for Soil and Water Conservation, Soil and Water Conservation Society, Ank-
eny, IA.
Showers, K. B. 1989. ‘Soil erosion in the Kingdom of Lesotho: Origins and colonial response. 1830s–
1950s’, Journal of Southern African Studies, 15 , 263–286.
Showers, K. B. and Malahleha, G. 1990. Pilot study for the development of methodology to be used
in a historical environmental impact assessment of colonial conservation schemes, Paper pre-
sented at Workshop on Conservation in Africa: Indigenous Knowledge and Conservation Strategies,
University of Zimbabwe, Harare.
SIDA, 1984. Soil Conservation in Borkana Catchment. Evaluation Report, Final Report, Swedish Inter-
national Development Authority, Stockholm.
Stocking, M. 1985. ‘Soil conservation policy in colonial Africa’, Agricultural History, 59 , 148–161.
Tamang, D. 1993. Indigenous Soil Fertility Management in the Hills of Nepal, Sustainable Agriculture
Programme Gatekeeper Series SA41, IIED, London.
Thompson, J. 1995. ‘Participatory approaches in government bureaucracies: Facilitating the process of
institutional change’. World Development, 23 (9), 1521–1544.
Trimble, S. W. 1985. ‘Perspectives on the history of soil erosion control in the eastern United States’,
Agricultural History, 59 , 162–180.
UNEP, 1983. Rainwater Harvesting for Agriculture, UNEP, Nairobi.
Uphoff, N. 1992. Learning from Gal Oya: Possibilities for Participatory Development and Post-Newtonian
Science, Cornell University Press, Ithaca, NY.
Warren, D. 1991. Using indigenous knowledge in agricultural development, Discussion paper 127.
The World Bank, Washington DC.
Wenner, C. G. 1992. The Revival of Soil Conservation in Kenya, Carl Gosta Wenner’s personal notes,
1974–81, Edited by A. Eriksson, RSCU/SIDA, Nairobi.
Wilken, G. C. 1987. Good Farmers. Traditional Agricultural Resource Management in Mexico and Cen-
tral America, University of California Press, Berkeley, CA.
Wilson, K. B. 1989. Indigenous conservation in Zimbabwe: Soil erosion, land-use planning and rural
life, Paper presented to Conservation and Rural People, African Studies Association of UK Confer-
ence, Cambridge.
World Bank, 1994. The World Bank and Participation, Report of the Learning Group on Participatory
Development, April 1994, World Bank, Washington DC.
Worster, D. 1979. Dust Bowl. The Southern Plains in the 1930s, Oxford University Press, Oxford.

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