Sustainable Agriculture and Food: Four volume set (Earthscan Reference Collections)

(Elle) #1

458 Modern Agricultural Reforms

mountains will lead to great development of the entire region because it is labour-
saving and less costly, and good results can be obtained in the short term. With
adequate rainfall (no less than 200mm/year) and careful management, shrubs and
some scattered trees provide pleasing views no more than three to five years from
planting. Aerial seeding is carried out in some areas with sparse populations. Posi-
tive experiences of successful aerial seeding of shrub species has been gained in
some places where annual precipitation is limited to 200mm.
The funds required for execution of the programme were raised from all pos-
sible sources. Private contributions in the form of investment of workdays on an
individual or group basis were encouraged. Investment from collectives was taken
from the gross revenue of various sectors of agriculture. The government also allo-
cated funds totalling 267,000,000 yuan RMB over seven years. Another 9000 mil-
lion yuan have been raised from other sources through either state or local channels.
The funds from the state and collectives go mainly to planting and nursery activ-
ities. There are special plans to govern the use of the state funds which are put
into key projects. Preference is given to those who have the best chance of suc-
cess, and contracts are signed and payments are made by instalments, as requested.
From time to time, assessment takes place when rewards and punishment are
duly meted out. This approach functions well, guaranteeing proper use of funds
and resources.

Accomplishments and effects
The joint efforts made by people of all nationalities have led to a total of 9,150,000ha
being afforested, i.e. 831,800ha each year. In addition, 2,238,000ha of hills and
mountains were also used to encourage the growth of forests and grasses, 23,000ha
were air-seeded for forests, and 3 billion trees were planted in a scattered manner.
In 11 years’ of work remarkable ecological effects and considerable economic
returns have been achieved through the development of farming, stock-raising and
a diversified economy. In some areas of the region, sandstorms, water loss and soil
erosion have been brought under control.
The forest shelterbelts have protected 11 million ha of farmland which were
frequently hit by sandstorms and dry hot winds, and grain output has thus
increased. For instance, the farmland shelterbelts built in the middle and western
part have jointly formed a large system of forest networks. Obvious changes have
taken place in regional microclimate. According to fixed spot observations made
by the Jilin Institute of Forestry Survey and Planning, wind speed was reduced by
23.7 per cent on average; air temperature was raised by 0.63°C; soil surface tem-
perature increased by 3°C; evaporation was reduced by an average of 15.2 per cent;
soil water content increased by 18.6 per cent; and relative humidity by 12.6 per
cent. About 40 per cent of the planted trees in the shelter belt networks have
matured. This has alleviated the shortage of timber, fuelwood, fodder and ferti-
Grassland of more than 8,800,000ha has been established in desert and semi-
desert areas of the region, controlling soil desertification, salinization and grassland

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