Sustainable Agriculture and Food: Four volume set (Earthscan Reference Collections)

(Elle) #1

lii Sustainable Agriculture and Food

Gosling P and Shepherd M. 2004. Long-term changes in soil fertility in organic arable farming systems
in England, with particular reference to phosphorus and potassium. Agric Ecosys and Environ
105(1–2), 425–432
Green R E, Cornell S J, Scharlemann J P W and Balmford A. 2005. Farming and the fate of wild
nature. Science 307, 550–555
Haberl H, Schultz N B, Plutzar C, Erb K H, Krausman F, Loibl W, Moser D, Sauberer N, Weisz H,
Zechmeister H G and Zulka P. 2004. Human appropriation of net primary production and spe-
cies diversity in agricultural landscapes. Agric Ecosys and Environ 102, 213–218
Hanley N, MacMillan D, Wright R E, Bullock C, Simpson I, Parrison D and Crabtree R. 1998. Con-
tingent valuation versus choice experiments: Estimating the benefits of environmentally sensitive
areas in Scotland. Journal of Agricultural Economics 49(1) 1–15
Heong K L, Escalada M M, Huan N H and Mai V. 1999. Use of communication media in changing
rice farmers’ pest management in the Mekong Delta, Vietnam. Crop Management 17(5), 413–
Herren H, Schulthess F and Knapp M. 2005. Towards zero-pesticide use in tropical agroecosytems. In
Pretty J (ed). The Pesticide Detox. Earthscan, London
Hesiod. 1988. Theogony. Works and Days. Oxford World’s Classics. OUP, Oxford
Higgs E. 2003. Nature by Design. MIT Press, Cambridge, MA
Hinchcliffe F, Thompson J, Pretty J, Guijt I and Shah P (eds). 1999. Fertile Ground: The Impacts of
Participatory Watershed Development. IT Publications, London
Holland J M. 2004. The environmental consequences of adopting conservation tillage in Europe:
Reviewing the evidence. Agric Ecosys and Environment 103, 1–21
Holling C S, Berkes F and Folke P. 1998. Science, sustainability and resource management. In Berkes
F and Folke F (eds). Linking Social and Ecological Systems: Management Practices and Social Mech-
anisms for Building Resilience. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge
IPCC. 2001. Climate Change 2001: Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability. Third Assessment Report.
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. IPCC Secretariat, Geneva, Switzerland. At URL

IPCC. 2007. Climate Change 2007. 4th Assessment Report. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate
Change. IPCC Secretariat, Geneva, Switzerland. At URL []
Jackson D L and Jackson D L. 2002. The Farm as Natural Habitat. Island Press, Washington DC
Jordan. 2003. The Sunflower Forest. University of California Press
Kabore D and Reij C. 2004. The Emergence and Spreading of an Improved Traditional Soil and Water
Conservation Practice in Burkina Faso. Environment and Production Technology Division Paper

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    the brown planthopper within rice fields in the Philippines. Journal of Plant Protection in the Trop-
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    Kerr J, Sanghi N K and Sriramappa G. 1999. Subsidies in watershed development projects in India: Dis-
    tortions and opportunities. In Hinchcliffe F et al (eds). Fertile Ground. IT Publications, London
    Khush G S, Peng S and Virmani S S. 1998. Improving yield potential by modifying plant type and exploit-
    ing heterosis. In Waterlow J C, Armstrong D G, Fowden L and Riley R (eds). Feeding the World
    Population of More Than Eight Billion People. Oxford University Press, New York and Oxford
    King F H. 1911. Farmers of Forty Centuries. Rodall Press, Penn
    Kloppenburg J, Hendrickson J and Stevenson G W. 1996. Coming to the foodshed. In Vitek W and
    Jackson W (eds). Rooted in the Land: Essays on Community and Place. Yale University Press, Haven
    and London, 113–123
    Lampkin N H and Padel S (eds). 1994. The Economics of Organic Farming. An International Perspective.
    CAB International, Wallingford
    Leach, G. 1976. Energy and Food Production. IPC Science and Technology Press, Guildford and IIED,

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