Sustainable Agriculture and Food: Four volume set (Earthscan Reference Collections)

(Elle) #1
Agricultural Biotechnology in Southern Africa: A Regional Synthesis 485

Table 19.2


Biosafety issue





Status of development and implementation

Has a GMO bill that requires setting up a national biosafety committee (NBC)

Set up a committee within the Ministry of Environment to come up with interim legislation on biosafety. Legislation still being developed.

Has a national biosafety committee (the Namibian Biotechnology Alliance) and draft legislation. Also has very limited capacity for risk assessment.

Discussion of biotechnology and biosafety issues has only just started in this country to whose economy agriculture contributes only marginally. The main worry is that the country is a net food importer.

Use of biosafety system in regulation of work on or use of genetic engineering (GE)

Officially, no GE products have entered the country. The NBC is tasked with monitoring the registration and movement of GE products in the country. A locally developed GM sugar cane variety is awaiting release.

Has already officially received GM maize under the condition that it has to be milled before distribution to consumers. A framework is still needed to ensure effective monitoring of GM products.

Accepted milled GM maize in 2000. Rejected GM maize in 2002, and instead received food aid in the form of wheat, as per a recom

mendation by

the national biosafety committee.

Importations of foodstuffs have been handled under the existing food and food standards regulations

Urgent requirements

Regulations, capacity building, public awareness

Development of regulatory framework, capacity building, public awareness

Finalizing processes for regulation development, capacity building and public awareness

Awareness raising, regulations, capacity building
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