Sustainable Agriculture and Food: Four volume set (Earthscan Reference Collections)

(Elle) #1

532 Sustainable Agriculture and Food

Tellus (Roman god) 202
temple construction 181–5
tenant rights 269
terracing 377–9, 383–7
Terralingua organization 150–2
Tezcuco 180, 181–2
Thailand 176, 350–1
Thirsk, Joan 270
Thompson, Dick 501
language 85–6
theory of 90–2
see also ‘mind’
‘Three North’ shelterbelt 453–9
Tian Ren He Yi theory 208
time dimension of agriculture 407–8
time keeping 173–4
time management 228
tissue culture (TC) techniques 476, 478–82,
Toba people 50
tobacco cultivation 270
tomb construction 180–1, 182–5
topography of farms 197, 204–5
tours, farmers 261–3, 265
Townsend, Charles 260
tractors 410
trade-off analysis 347, 360–2
Traditional Ecological Knowledge (TEK) 64
training 268, 470, 478–82
trance-dances 27
open-field farming 244–8
rural society 375
nutritional 110–19
physical activity 119–23
trees 405, 424–6, 456, 466–7
see also forests
Trickster figure 47
Trigger, David 66
tropical regions
deforestation rates 339–40
foragers 44
forests 339–47, 350–1, 355–6, 358–
South China 452–3
time dimension 407–8
Trudeau, Pierre Elliott 79
Tshikapisk Foundation 110, 127, 129
Tshiskutamashun project 127
Tull, Jethro 260, 265
Tunisia 298–9
Turkestan 169–70
Turner, Michael 9, 233–57
Turner, Nancy 64
twin studies 89

UK see Britain; England
unconscious actions 85
UNDP see United Nations Development

United Nations
Food and Agriculture Organization 161–3
World Food Program 28
United Nations Development Programme
(UNDP) 346
United States (US)
biotechnology 493–4
Far East comparisons 222, 225, 226
genetic resource conservation 163–5
industrial farming 311–15
Iowa sustainable cultivation 501–16
soil erosion 11–12
soil and water conservation 377–9, 383–4
see also North America
Uphoff, Norman 403–22
urban environments 97, 507–9
see also cities
US see United States
US Department of Agriculture (USDA) 164, 510
USSR see Russia; Soviet Union
utopianism 308, 322
vanishing resources 159–67
variability of genetic resources 159
variation in humans 149
variety of resources, Bushmen 21
Varro, Marcus Terentius 7, 202–7
Vavilov, N.I. 165–6
vegetable foods 19, 27–30, 114, 332, 448–9
see also plant foods
Velikie Lukie scheme 323
Venezuela 145–7
Verblud farm 314–15
Verchnyua Troitsa, Russia 325–8
village communities
eco-villages 431–40
experimental soil technologies 273
Innu people 108–9, 122–3, 128
open-field farming 237, 248–9, 253
Russian collectivization 319–20, 325–8
vineyards 201
violence 48
visits, farmer-to-farmer 261–3
vitamins 112–14
Vogel, Orville 294
volume of soil 408–9
vulnerability of crops 164–5
wage labour see employment
Wang Zheng Nong Shu (Chinese text) 214–15
Ware, Harold 314
warping farmers 281
Warring States period, China 208, 210–11
‘wasteland’ 251, 283
soil fertilization 222, 229
treatment 436–7
conservation 375–402, 415–16
heavy water works 172–3
quality in eco-villages 436–7
see also hydraulic agriculture; rainfall...
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