Sustainable Agriculture and Food: Four volume set (Earthscan Reference Collections)

(Elle) #1
Reality Cheques 35

Agriculture’s Carbon Dividend

The greatest environmental problem we face anywhere in the world is now climate
change, provoked by rising levels of anthropogenic greenhouse gases. It threatens
to disrupt economies and ecosystems, challenge existing land uses, substantially
raise sea levels, and drown coastal lands and even some whole countries. To slow
down and eventually to reverse these changes, we need to reduce human-induced
emissions of these gases, as well as find ways to capture or lock up carbon from the
atmosphere. Sustainable agriculture can make an important contribution to cli-
mate change mitigation through both emissions reduction and carbon sequestra-
tion, and as the international markets for carbon expand, so sequestered carbon
could represent an important new income source for farmers.^42
Agricultural systems contribute to carbon emissions through the direct use of
fossil fuels in farm operations, the indirect use of embodied energy in inputs that
are energy-intensive to manufacture and transport, particularly fertilizers and pes-
ticides, and the cultivation of soils resulting in the loss of soil organic matter.
Agriculture is also an accumulator of carbon, offsetting losses when organic matter
is accumulated in the soil, or when above-ground woody biomass acts either as a
permanent sink or is used as an energy source that substitutes for fossil fuels.
Long-term agricultural experiments in both Europe and North America indi-
cate that soil organic matter and soil carbon are lost during intensive cultivation.
But both can be increased with sustainable management practices. The greatest
dividend comes from conversion of arable to agroforestry as there is a benefit from
both increased soil organic matter and the accumulation of above-ground woody
biomass. Grasslands within rotations, zero-tillage farming, use of legumes and
green manures, and high amendments of straw and manures, also lead to substan-
tial carbon sequestration. There is now good evidence to show that sustainable
agricultural systems can lead to the annual accumulation of 300–600kg of carbon
per hectare, rising to several tonnes per hectare when trees are intercropped in
cropping and grazing systems.
Agriculture as an economic sector also contributes to carbon emissions through
the consumption of direct and indirect fossil fuel. With the increased use of nitro-
gen fertilizers, pumped irrigation and mechanical power, accounting for more than
90 per cent of the total energy inputs to farming, industrialized agriculture has
become progressively less energy efficient. The difference between sustainable and
conventional systems of production is striking. Low-input or organic rice in Bang-
ladesh, China and Latin America is some 15–25 times more energy efficient than
irrigated rice grown in the US. For each tonne of cereal or vegetable from industri-
alized high-input systems in Europe, 3000–10,000MJ of energy are consumed in
its production. But for each tonne of cereal or vegetable from sustainable farming,
only 500–1000MJ are consumed.^43
It is now known that intensive cultivation of cereals leads to reductions in soil
organic matter and carbon. But recent years have seen an extraordinary growth in
the adoption of ‘conservation tillage’ and ‘zero-tillage’ systems, particularly in the

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