Sustainable Agriculture and Food: Four volume set (Earthscan Reference Collections)

(Elle) #1


What Hunters Do for a Living, or, How to

Make Out on Scarce Resources

Richard B. Lee

The current anthropological view of hunter-gatherer subsistence rests on two ques-
tionable assumptions. First is the notion that these peoples are primarily depend-
ent on the hunting of game animals, and second is the assumption that their way
of life is generally a precarious and arduous struggle for existence.
Recent data on living hunter-gatherers (Meggitt, 1964b; Service, 1960) show
a radically different picture. We have learned that in many societies, plant and
marine resources are far more important than are game animals in the diet. More
important, it is becoming clear that, with a few conspicuous exceptions, the hunter-
gatherer subsistence base is at least routine and reliable and at best surprisingly
abundant. Anthropologists have consistently tended to under-estimate the viabil-
ity of even those ‘marginal isolates’ of hunting peoples that have been available to
The purpose of this paper is to analyse the food getting activities of one such
‘marginal’ people, the !Kung Bushmen of the Kalahari Desert. Three related ques-
tions are posed: How do the Bushmen make a living? How easy or difficult is it for
them to do this? What kinds of evidence are necessary to measure and evaluate the
precariousness or security of a way of life? And after the relevant data are presented,
two further questions are asked: What makes this security of life possible? To what
extent are the Bushmen typical of hunter-gatherers in general?

Bushman Subsistence

The !Kung Bushmen of Botswana are an apt case for analysis.^1 They inhabit the
semi-arid north-west region of the Kalahari Desert. With only six to nine inches of

Lee R B. 1968. What hunters do for a living, or, how to make out on scarce resources. In Lee R and
Devore E. Man the Hunter. Aldine, Chicago, 30–48. Copyright © 1968 by Aldine Publishers.
Reprinted by permission of Aldine Transaction, a division of Transaction Publishers.

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