176 Agroecology and Sustainability
ecosystem and social system knowledge about agricultural processes will not only
lead to a reduction in synthetic inputs used for maintaining productivity; it will
also permit the evaluation of such qualities of agroecosystems as the long-term
effects of different input–output strategies, the importance of the environmental
services provided by agricultural landscapes, and the relationship between eco-
nomic and ecological components of sustainable agroecosystem management. By
properly selecting and understanding the ‘upstream’ inputs into agriculture, we
can be assured that what we send ‘downstream’ will promote a sustainable future.
The author is extremely grateful for support provided by the Alfred Heller Endowed
Chair for Agroecology. An early version of this chapter was rigorously discussed in
a Kellogg Foundation National Fellowship Forum, and the valuable input from
the Fellows in Group VI is warmly acknowledged. Detailed edits from Diane Rick-
erl, Chuck Francis and an anonymous reviewer are also much appreciated. Joji
Muramoto graciously assisted with the formatting of Figure 8.1.
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