Index 391
development see agricultural development;
community development; economic
diamond black moth 194–5
Diamond, Jared 295–6
Dinuba, California 8, 270
direct valuation methods 54
foodborne 31–3, 69–71
insects 19
integrated pest management 185–7, 188, 196–7
pesticides 71–2
waterborne 57
see also pathogens
disturbance practices 148–9, 170
dithiocarbamate fungicides 84
agroecosystems 126, 127
beyond-field scale 324
Cuban policy 41
disease control 185–6
land use 381
livestock farming 206, 208, 211
monocultures 320
vegetational 318–32
see also biodiversity; mixed farming systems;
division of labour 222, 236, 250
dollarization effects 83–4
domestication 378
dredging activities 62, 64
drinking water 34
see also water
dualist thought 220–1, 225, 230, 372–5
duck-rice systems 181, 187, 189
Duffy, Michael D. 3, 53–81
Duvick, Donald N. 208
Dykes, A.R. 311
dynamic equilibrium of agroecosystems 170–1
dynamic social-ecological interactions 144, 146,
ecocentrism 225
eco-counties 40
ecofeminism 217–22, 223–4, 227–31
ecological consciousness 373–5
ecological design 9–11, 293–386
ecological holism 225–8
ecological processes
agroecosystems 119, 120
integrated pest management 178–200
social relations 217–18
ecological restoration 9–11, 293–386
ecological time 222
Ecomuseum Kristianstads Vattenrike 152, 157
economic development 334–5, 338–40, 349–54,
Economic Research Service (ERS) 70
21st century directions 368
carbon sequestration 35
design 294, 308–9
ecological 304
gender 222
Goldschmidt hypothesis 267, 270–1
monetary values of externalities 25–8, 43
multifunctionality 24–5
policy instruments 38
production costs 53–4
wetland value 30
see also economic development; socioeconomic
economies of scale/size 364
EcoSalud, Ecuador 89–93
ecosystem services 139–65, 208–9
agroecosystem comparison 173–5
Andes region 82–96
biodiversity damage 58–9, 66–9
definition 119, 167–8
emergent qualities 169–71, 174
properties 122
rice 181–3
types 171–2
vegetables 194–5
see also agroecosystems
Ecuador 82–96
community development 337–40
design 306–15
ecology 9, 293–317
integrated pest management 192, 196, 197
pesticide poisonings 107, 113–14
principles 306
see also learning; literacy levels; training schemes
effectiveness of NRM groups 234–56
efficiency 28, 35, 309
Einstein, Albert 298–9
Eliot, T.S. 309–10
elm tree disease 19
Elton, Charles 19, 20
embodiment 221–3, 224, 229, 231
emergent qualities of ecosystems 169–71, 174
emissions reductions 36, 37, 66
empowerment 343
enclosures 129
endangered species 379
endocrine system 71
endosulfan 105–7
energy efficiency 35
energy flows 169, 174, 182, 303–4
energy inputs, agroecosystems 123–4
engineering 40
environmental construction 374
environmental costs 1–4, 15–114
21st century directions 368
Andes region 82–96
carbon 35–7
inorganic inputs 364
monetary values 25–6
policies 37–41
production 53–81
USA 15–21, 53–81
environmental ethics 6, 217–33